(Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
(Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Fl. Per.: April July.
Type: N.Asia, Dauria, Patrin (G).
Distribution: C. and N. Asia, N.W.Himalayas and Pakistan.
Map Location
A-7 Chitral : Madaglast,2700-3000 m, Toppin 800 (K) ; Lowarai pass, Ziarat, 3000 m, on short turf where snow has recently melted, Stainton 2346 (BM) ; Kashmir: Gilgit, Dango pir, 3000-3600 m, Giles 586 (K) ; Dhuli, R.R.Stewart (RAW) ; Gilgit, Karin kotal, 3600 m., Giles 100 (K); B-7 N.W.F.P: Nathia, H.Deane s.n.(K); B-9 Baltistan, Thomson s.n. (K) ; Falconer s.n. (K) ; B-8 Pirpanjal, J.L.Stewart s.n. (K); Rattan panjal, Winterbottom s.n. (K); Rattan pir, 2100 m, Clarke 28341 (K); Tragbol, Clarke 29263 (K); Above Gulmerg, Aitchison s.n. (K); Kamri pass, R.R.Stewart 18705 (RAW) ; Sheshnag, 3600 m, Drummond 14169 (K) ; Lidder valley, 3900-4200 m, Duthie 13378 (K); B-9 Baltistan, Hasora, Winterbottom s.n. (K); Rasparin pass, 2700 m, Winterbottom (K); Raj Hoti, 4500 m, Strachey & Winterbottom s.n. (K); Kashmir, Falconer 2621 (K) (with T.cochlearioides) ; B-8 Sheshnag, Drummond 14159 and 14261 (K); Mohanmerg, Sind valley, 2700 m, Ludlow & Sherriff 8136 (BM); Baltal, Ludlow & Sheriff 8309 (BM) ; Rajparyan, 3600 m, Ludlow & Sherriff 9362 (BM) ; Gulmerg, Timins 138 (BM) ; Pinfold 120 (BM) ; Barbour s.n. (BM) ; B-9 Karakorum, on the rest of Rash ridge, c. 3900 m, Conway 121 (K) ; Zangia harar, Hunza valley, 4200 m, Russell 1019 (BM) ; Makerum, Hispar glacier, 3750 m, Russell 14061 (BM); Clarke 30441 A (BM); C-7 Nathiagali, common, Jafri & Ali 3174 (HJ,KUH) Changla gali, 2700 m, R.R.Stewart s.n. (K) ; N. of Murree hills, Thomson s.n. (K) ; Changla gali, Jafri & Ali 3150 (KUH).
Perennial, 5-25 cm tall in fruit, branched mostly from the base, erect, glabrous, subglaucous; rootstock 3-4 mm thick, covered with withered leaf bases. Radical leaves rosulate, spathulate or oblong-obovate, shortly stalked, 2.5-5.5 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm broad, apex rounded, entire or subentire; cauline leaves ovate-cordate, amplexicaul, 1-2 cm long, entire or obscurely toothed. Racemes 20-40-flowered, up to c. 10 (-15) cm long in fruit. Flowers c. 5 mm across, white; pedicels up to 8 mm long in fruit, glabrous, spreading (often horizontal) rarely slightly deflexed. Sepals 2.5-3 mm long, 1.3 mm broad. Petals 5-7 mm long, 2-2.5 mm broad, obovate, cuneate below, apex slightly emarginate. Stamens c. 2.3: 3.5 mm long; anthers c. 0.5 mm. Siliculae 4-10 mm long, 2.5-3.8 mm broad, oblong-obovate, apex ± emarginate, rarely subentire, glabrous, obscurely to slightly winged at the apex with 1-2.5 mm long persistent style; septum c. 1.5 mm wide, seeds 3-4 in each locule, 1-1.5 mm long, ovate-oblong, pale brown.