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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
Description Trees, usually with rather soft, white wood; leaves alternate, usually long- petiolate, simple or palmately lobed, occasionally with cystoliths or oil cells, and somewhat aromatic; flowers usually small, bisexual or unisexual, with a 2-seriate, undifferentiated or poorly differentiated, valvate perianth, borne in axillary or pseudoterminal, many-flowered panicles or thyrses; the staminate with 3-6 two- valved stamens frequently accompanied by glandular staminodia; the pistillate with a 1-celled, inferior ovary containing a single, pendulous ovule and rather fleshy stigma, frequently with glandular staminodia; fruit a drupe or 2-winged samara, the seed without endosperm.
Habit Trees
Note Unlike the Lauraceae, to which they are related so closely, Hernandiaceae are very infrequent in tropical forests, usually found only as isolated specimens at rather low elevations. Besides Hernandia, the genera Gyrocarpus and Sparat- tanthelium are to be expected in Panama, since both are known to occur in Costa Rica and Colombia.
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