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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/17/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/17/2013)
Contributor WAYNE E. MANNING
Description Trees or rarely shrubs; buds naked or scaly, often several superposed; leaves usually deciduous, alternate, rarely opposite or whorled, estipulate, pinnately compound; leaflets entire or serrate, glandular-dotted beneath; flowers monoecious or rarely dioecious, staminate or pistillate flowers or both in elongate drooping or erect catkins or spikes; staminate and pistillate inflorescences sometimes separate, sometimes combined into an androgynous panicle with central spike wholly or partly pistillate and the lateral branches staminate; separate staminate inflorescence a cluster of 3-8 catkins or a solitary catkin; separate pistillate inflorescence a catkin, a few-flowered spike, or a solitary flower; inflorescences terminal, or lateral on old wood, or the staminate sometimes lateral at the base of the new growth; staminate calyx commonly 4-lobed, or lacking, the subtending entire or 3-lobed bract and 2 bracteoles usually appearing as part of the perianth; petals none; stamens 3-many; pistillate calyx usually 4-lobed, or absent, the subtending 3-lobed or entire bract and 2 or 3 bracteoles fused only with the pedicel and base of the ovary or with the whole ovary, a ring of minute inner bracteoles very rarely present; ovary inferior, 1-celled above, 2- to 4- to 8-celled below, with one erect orthotropous ovule in the center at the top of the primary partial partition; style one, with usually 2 stigmatic branches; fruit a nut enclosed in a husk, or a nut with a thin dry skin, or a nutlet with 2 or 3 wings; seed solitary, large 2-4-8-lobed, without endosperm; cotyledons 4-lobed, oily, at germination remaining in the nut or appearing above ground.
Habit Trees shrubs
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