(Last Modified On 1/30/2013)
(Last Modified On 1/30/2013)
Trees or shrubs, infrequently herbs, mucilaginous, generally wvith stellate hairs, sometimes with simple hairs or lepidote. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, simple, entire to more or less deeply lobed, generally stipulate, the stipules usually paired, equal or not and often fugacious. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, rarely op- positifolious, cymose or paniculate or flowers solitary, sometimes cauliflorous. Flowers generally bracteolate, small or large, hermaphrodite, sometimes imperfect, generally actinomorphous, sometimes calyculate; calyx usually valvate, seldom imbricate, gamo- or polysepalous, the sepals (2-3-)4-5(-6-8), caducous, persis- tent or accrescent; petals 4-5, sometimes sepaloid, rarely absent, contorted, im- bricate or valvate, usually free, often glandular at the base; stamens inserted on the receptacle or on a gonophore, usually numerous, rarely 10 or less, sometimes partially staminodial in the hermaphrodite flowers, staminodial or absent in the pistillate ones, free or shortly connate at the base into a tube or into 5 or 10 phalanges; anthers usually 2-thecate, longitudinally dehiscent or apically porose; pollen generally 3-colporate, with reticulate or tegillate sexine; gynoecium with (1-)2-5(-10) syncarpous carpels, infrequently with 5-6 apocarpous carpels; ovary usually superior, rarely subinferior to inferior, sessile on the receptacle or on the gonophore, sometimes borne on a gynophore, (1-)2- to many-celled (cells some- times divided by false partitions), with (1-)2-many ovules in each cell and gener- ally with axile placentation, infrequently wvith parietal placentation; ovules
Trees or shrubs
anatropous; style usually simple; stigma entire or more or less 2- to 10-divided. Fruit baccate, drupaceous or capsular, smooth or spinose, sometimes alate, variously dehiscent or indehiscent, rarely divided into cocci; seeds 1-many, the testa some- times alate, pilose or arillate; albumen abundant or scanty; embryo straight or slightly curved; cotyledons foliaceous, seldom carnose.
A family of about 50 genera chiefly of tropical distribution, but with some extensions into the temperate regions; nine genera are represented in Panama, while two others occur in Central America , namely: Carpodiptera Griseb. and Christiana DC.
The bast of many species yields a good fibre, as for example the hemp (o)r jute produced by some species of Corchorus.
a. Stipules equal, not peltate; perianth and androecium hypoginous; sepals with- out appendages or with a small apical appendage only; ovary superior. b. Fruit unarmed. c. Petals glandular-thickened within at the base. d. Petals longer or somewhat shorter than the sepals; capsules. e. Flowers hermaphrodite, calyculate; petals longer than the sepals; gonophore absent; capsules ligneous, imperfectly loculicidally 5-valvate; seeds broadly winged 1. LUEHEA ee. Flowers imperfect, without calycle; petals somewhat shorter than the sepals; gonophore present; capsules coriaceous, compressed contrary to the partition, loculicidally 2-val- vate; seeds long-ciliate along the margins 2. TRICHOSPERMUM dd. Petals about half the length of the sepals; fruit composed of 3(-4) samaras; flowers hermaphrodite, calyculate 3. GOETHALSIA cc. Petals eglandular; flowers hermaphrodite. f. Capsules chartaceous or coriaceous-chartaceous, elongate, silique- like, loculicidally 2- or 3-valvate; seeds not arillate 4. CORCHORUS ff. Capsules ligneous, more or less globose, loculicidally 5-valvate; seeds arillate 5. MORTONIODENDRON bb. Fruit armed with spines or bristles. g. Flowers hermaphrodite; gonophore absent; anthers with a mem- branous appendage at the top; capsules transversely elliptic, 1.5-4 cm. long and 5.5-8 cm. broad, densely bristly or spinose .................... 6. APEIBA gg. Flowers hermaphrodite or pistillate; anthers without appendage; fruit capsular, less than 2 cm. in diam. h. Flowers 4-merous; gonophore eglandular; fruii laterally com- pressed and with 2 rows of long plumose bristles along the margins ............... ........ . 7. H ELIOCARPUS hh. Flowers 5-merous; gonophore when present glandular; fruit not compressed, covered on all sides with spines topped by hyaline spinules S. TRIUMFETTA aa. Stipules unequal, one filiform, the other large, peltate and foliaceous; perianth and androecium subepiginous; sepals provided along the margins and at the apex with long filiform appendages; ovary subinferior to inferior - 9. DICRASPIDIA
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