Alternate name Gramineae. Our treatment of the family was initially based on the draft list of accepted species and synonyms produced by Emmet Judziewicz (UWSP) and information on the Bamboos was provided by Soejatmi Dransfield (formerly K). We acknowledge both contributions with gratitude. Subsequently the Grasses and savannas of Madagascar project at RBG Kew, lead by Maria S. Vorontsova, is generating taxonomic revisions and new knowledge for the family.
Link to World Grass checklist.
Many introduced grasses are cultivated as crops, land stabilisers, ornamentals and as lawns and recreational fields, and many of these have become at least locally naturalized. The crop species are of considerable economical importance in Madagascar, the most important of which are : rice (Oryza sativa), maize (Zea mays), sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and wheat (Triticum aestivum).