(Last Modified On 10/31/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/31/2012)
Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gott. 1864:17. 1865.
Tillandsia micrantha Baker ex Rusby in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29:698. 1902, non Baker, 1887.
Plant to 8 dm. high. Leaves rosulate, 3-4 dm. long, obscurely punctulate- lepidote, often irregularly purple-spotted; sheaths large, ovate, dark brown; blades ligulate, rounded and apiculate or acute, 2-4 cm. wide. Scape erect, glabrous, often much exceeding the leaves. Scape-bracts elliptic, apiculate or short-caudate, about equaling the internodes or the upper ones slightly shorter, punctulate- lepidote. Inflorescence tripinnate or if bipinnate the branches not over 7 cm. long, lax. Primary bracts narrowly ovate, apiculate, much shorter than the branches. Spikes spreading, linear, often curved, dense, to 24-flowered, 9 cm. long, 6-9 mm. wide, usually long-stipitate with sterile bracts at the base. Floral bracts broadly ovate, 6-9 or rarely 5 mm. long, equaling or slightly exceeding the sepals, convex, ecarinate, coriaceous, nearly or quite even, scantily lepidote or glabrous. Sepals asymmetric, broadly elliptic, glabrous. Petals orange or yellow. Stamens included. Capsule slenderly cylindric, 22 mm. long.
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