(Last Modified On 10/31/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/31/2012)
Prodr. 56. 1788.
Tillandsia tenuifolia sensu Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Am. 92. 1763, non L. 1762. Tillandsia flexuosa ,8. fasciata Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 9: under pI. 749. 1823. Tillandsia aloifolia Hook. Exot. Fl. pI. 205. 1826. Tillandsia patens Willd. ex Schult. in R. & S. Syst. Veg. 7:1229. 1830. Vriesea aloefolia (Hook.) Beer, Bromel. 95. 1857. Vriesea tenuifolia Beer, Bromel. 96. 1857, in part. Platystachys patens (Willd.) K. Koch in Ind. Sep. Hort. Berol. 1873: App. 4:5. 1874. Tillandsia flexuosa var. vivipara Andre, Bromel. Andr. 82. 1889.
Plant 2-15 dm. high. Leaves 10-20 in a dense often subbulbous rosette, 2-5 dm. long, densely pale-appressed-lepidote, usually marked with broad white trans- verse bands, the outer bladeless, squamiform; sheaths ovate, very large but merging with the blade; blades narrowly triangular, about 25 mm. wide, acuminate, then abruptly acute, curved, stiff. Scape erect, slender, glabrous. Scape-bracts erect, tubular-involute, elliptic, lepidote, at least the upper ones shorter than the internodes. Inflorescence simple or very laxly bipinnate. Primary bracts like the upper scape-bracts, much shorter than the sterile bases of the axillary branches. Branches ascending, to 4 dm. long, very lax. Rhachis slender, flexuous, angled, glabrous. Floral bracts elliptic, acute, 2-3 cm. long, equaling or shorter than the sepals, ecarinate, chartaceous, nerved, lepidote. Flowers spreading. Pedicels to 7 mm. long. Sepals narrowly elliptic, obtuse, 2-3 cm. long, free, sparsely lepidote or glabrous. Petals tubular-erect, to 4 cm. long, white, rose or purple. Stamens exserted. Capsule slenderly cylindric, to 7 cm. long.
Southern Florida, West Indies, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana.
PANAMA: Bella Vista, sea level, Killip 12042; near Punta Paitilla, Standley 26248, 26262, 26263, 30794; along the Corozal Road, near Panama', Standley 26838; vicinity of Juan Franco Race Track, near Panamai, Standley 27787; Taboga Island, Standley 27967; Rio Tapia, Standley 28292; between Las Sabanas and Matias Hernandez, Standley 31904; Las Sabanas, Zetek 90i; Isla Taboga, alt. ca. 0-186 m., 'Woodson, Allen & Seibert 1488; Lefevre Park, near Panamai City, Bartlett d Lasser i6324; wet savanna east of Panama City, near La Jagua, Bartlett d Lasser i6391. CANAL ZONE: Balboa, Standley 25499. INDEFINITE: Hayes.
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