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Martellidendron (Pic. Serm.) Callm. & Chassot Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)Search in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Taxon 52(4): 755–756. 2003. (Taxon) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/26/2013)
Acceptance : Accepted
References     (Last Modified On 12/30/2021)

Taxonomy     (Last Modified On 12/30/2021)
Taxonomy: Species of Martellidendron are easily recognized in the field when flowering or fruiting. Staminate plants are characterized by flowers that have many stamens (up to 100) surrounding a pistillode (Fig. 5). Pistillate plants have a unique infructescence type that is oblong, tubuliform or spherical, and the drupes have two opposite stigmas at the apex of the pileus forming a cross. At the base of each drupe staminodes can be seen, each comprising a filament bearing an anther; this character is unique in the family.

Description     (Last Modified On 12/30/2021)
Description: Pistillate inflorescence monosyncarpic, syncarp globose, subglobose, obovoid or tubuliform. Drupes bilocular, endocarp not extending between the seed locules but replaced by the mesocarp extending from the apex to the base. Stigmas two, semi-orbicular, slightly convex at border, close and opposite, forming a cross at the apex of the pileus. Staminodia present at the base of each drupe, each comprising a filament and an anther with four sterile pollen sacs. Staminate inflorescence racemose, with one to many long, dense spike(s) covered by bracts, their axis bearing the staminal columns. Stamens numerous, arranged at the apex of a fused staminal column around a central pistillode, staminal column bearing at its apex (or/and sides) non-vascularized appendages external to stamens. Anthers retuse or mucronate, without endothecial thickenings in the lateral parts of the connective and the proximal part of the anther walls. Pollen grains reniform to obovoid, with an imperfect tectum and a variable aperture along the longer axis of the grain; exine three-layered.

Distribution     (Last Modified On 12/30/2021)
Notes: Martellidendron is restricted to the Western Indian Ocean. The genus comprises six species, one of which, M. hornei, is endemic to the Seychelles, growing in the three main granitic islands (Praslin, Mahé and Silhouette). The other five species are present in lowland forests of Madagascar (see Madagascar Catalogue genus page).


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