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Published In: Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium 25: 138–140. 2007. (13 Aug 2007) (Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/13/2019)
Acceptance : Accepted
Note : Taxonomic change
Project Data     (Last Modified On 1/13/2019)
Changes: Taxonomy change


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Bejucos, arbustos o raramente árboles pequeños. Hojas eglandular or with glands usual marginal and sessile, the 2 most proximal glands usually enlarged; estípulas pequeñas, libres, interpeciolares. Inflorescence with the flowers ultimately borne in short, usually dense pseudoracemes of 4—45 flowers, brácteas floríferas y bractéolas eglandulares, peduncles mostly present and short, or absent; pétalos amarillos, the posterior usually distinct from the lateral petals in stance and morphology with margins more deeply divided and the divisions more or less glandular-thickened, especially proximally; estambres 10, todos fértiles, subequal or those opposite sepals longer; anthers glabrous or pilose, connectives not or hardly exceeding locules at apex; ovario con los 3 carpelos adnados a un toro común, todos fértiles, estilos 3, los estigmas terminales. Fruto partiéndose en 3 sámaras que se separan de un toro piramidal corto, cada sámara con su ala más grande en posición dorsal y engrosada en la arista adaxial (superior), los nervios terminando en la arista abaxial más delgada, los costados de la nuez smooth or with one ridge or winglet parallel to areoles; nuez with or without a non-functional carpóforo.

Género con 12 especies de los trópicos y subtrópicos de América, mayormente en Sudamérica; 2 especies se conocen en Nicaragua. Fue tratado as part of the Banisteriopsis in the printed version of the Flora and como Banisteria en la Flora of Guatemala

 B. Gates. A monograph of Banisteriopsis and Diplopterys, Malpighiaceae. Fl. Neotrop. 30: 1–237. 1982. W. R. Anderson & C. C. Davis. Generic adjustments in Neotropical Malpighiaceae. Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 25: 137–166. 2007


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1. Leaves with abaxial surface initially densely to abundantly tomentose then patchily tomentose to rapidly glabrescent, the trichomes all sessile or longest stalks less than 0.05—0.1 (--0.15) mm, the trabeculae straight, sinuous and tortuous, or straight and sinuous, or sinuous and tortuous…Bronwenia acapulcensis

1. Leaves with abaxial surface initially densely to abundantly sericeous then sparsely to abundantly sericeous, the trichomes sessile, the trabeculae straight…Bronwenia maracaybensis

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