(Last Modified On 10/17/2013)
(Last Modified On 10/17/2013)
Tovomita weddelliana P1. & Tr.
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser. 4. 14: 277. 1860.
TYPE: Bolivia, Weddell 1851 (P, not seen; MO, photo).
Clusia oblanceolata Rusby, Desc. S. Amer. P1. 58. 1920. TYPE: Colombia, Smith 1880 (MO). Tovomita longicuneata Engl., Bot. Jahrb. 58. Beibl. 130: 7. 1923. TYPE: Peru, Weberbauer 3446 (B, not seen; MO, photo). Tovomita sphenophylla Diels, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 14: 32. 1938. TYPE: Ecuador, Schultze-Rhonoff 1984,ovomita lanceolata Cuatr., An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico 20: 102. 1949. TYPE: Colombia, Cuatrecasas 21278 (US). Tovomita ligulata Cuatr., An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico 20: 99. 1949. TYPE: Colombia, Cuatrecasas 14949 (US). Tovomita rhizophoroides Cuatr., An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico 20: 101. 1949. TYPE: Colombia, Cuatrecasas 14280 (US). Tovomita glossophylla Cuatr., Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 8: 62. 1950. TYPE: Colombia, Cuatrecasas 9194 (US). Clusia pithecobia Standley & L. 0. Williams, Ceiba 1: 244. 1951. TYPE: Costa Rica, Allen 5592 (F, not seen). Tovomita angustata Steyerm., Fieldiana Bot. 88: 399, fig. 82. 1952. TYPE: Venezuela, Steyermark 60475 (US). Tovomita coriacea Maguire, Phytologia 36: 406. 1977. TYPE: Venezuela, Steyermark 94884 (NY, holotype, not seen; VEN, isotype).
Shrub or tree to 30 m tall, supported by conspicuous stilt roots; twigs often stout with conspicuous leaf scars; sap milky white. Leaves oblanceolate to ob- ovate, to 35 cm long and 8 cm wide, apically obtuse or rounded, sometimes short apiculate, basally narrowed into a broad petiolar area, sometimes ultimately trun- cate or slightly auriculate, the margin callose-thickened, slightly revolute, the costa prominently elevated on both sides, more so beneath, lateral veins obscure or appearing very numerous, ca. 9 per cm, nearly straight, parallel, appearing unbranched except near the margin, butting into the obscure continuous sub- marginal vein, the submarginal vein 0.3-0.5 mm from the margin, often drying glaucous above, minutely (under a lens) whitish-striate, beneath reddish brown, minutely (under a lens) white-punctate; petiole wanting or represented by a small pad against the stem. Inflorescence terminal, to 10 cm tall, cymose, ternately branched, many flowered, in bud enveloped completely by a fused narrowly conical spathaceous structure which splits along 2 sides to yield 2 opposite folia- ceous, deciduous bracts; peduncles often stout, drying angled, reddish to green- ish-brown, the divisions subtended by cucullate, deciduous bracts to 2 mm long. Flowers white, globose in bud, the sepals 4, imbricate in 2 opposite pairs, the inner pair slightly larger, rotund, apically cucullate, 11-14 mm long, coriaceous, persistent and altering somewhat in fruit; petals 4-7, membranaceous, drying yellow, rotund, slightly longer than the sepals; stamens numerous in male plants the filaments filiform, free or some inner series sometimes basally fused, the anthers about as narrow as the filaments with 2, 2-locular, linear lobes, ca. 1 mm long, in female plants the filaments broad except at the apex, the anthers narrow, short, perhaps polleniferous; ovary cylindrical, surmounted by 4-6 flat, rotund, padlike stigmas. Fruit a clavate drupe, often oblique, 20-40 cm long, crowned by the sessile stigmas, ultimately splitting into 4-6 valves; calyx lobes erect, ca. 10 mm long, obtuse and more pointed than in flower; seeds 4, black, cylindrical, sulcate, ca. 12 mm long, 4 mm wide, enveloped in a fleshy aril, the seed and aril produced into a narrow basal spur.
Shrub or tree
This species is easily recognized among the Panamanian Guttiferae by its stilt roots and oblanceolate, sessile leaves. The leaves often appear many-nerved, but close examination reveals there are only about 9 per cm. Collectors report the flowers are white with yellow stamens.
ranges from Venezuela and Bolivia to Costa Rica.
Sev- eral variants have been recognized as distinct species, but it is not clear whether they are in any way geographically correlated or representative of distinguishable populations. In Panama this tree is conspicuous, occurring mainly in lowland cloud forests and tropical wet forests of the Caribbean drainage area.
COCLi: La Mesa above El Valle, Croat 25422 (MO); Mori 6611 (MO). COL6N: Santa Rita Ridge, Croat 13896 (MO). 10 mi SW of Portobelo, Liesner 1058 (DUKE, MO). Rio Guanche, 3 km upriver from bridge on road to Portobelo, Mori & Kallunki 5216 (MO). DARIEN: Cerro Pirre, Folsom 4304 (MO). PANAMA: Cerro Jefe, Correa & Dressler 721 (MO). Camino a Llano a Carti, Correa et al. 1855 (DUKE, MO). Cerro Jefe, Foster 1832 (DUKE, MO); Gentry 4877, 6146 (both MO). 19 km above Panamerican Highway on road from El Llano to Carti-Tupile, 200-500 m, Kennedy 2516 (MO). Cerro Azul, 600 m, Lao & Holdridge 31 (DUKE, PMA, MO). Road from El Llano to Carti-Tupile, 300-500 m, Liesner 1269 (MO). El Llano-Carti Road, 17.5 km from Panamerican Highway, Mori et al. 4567 (MO). El Llano-Carti Road, 16-18 km from Panamerican Highway, 400-450 m, Nee & Tyson 10973 (MO). VERAGUAS: Cerro Tute near Santa Fe, 3000 ft, Allen 4352 (MO). Between Escuela Agricola Alto de Piedra and Rio Dos Bocas, 730-770 m, Croat 25781, 25961, 27492, 27664 (all MO). NW of Santa Fe, 10.8 km from Escuela Agricola Alto de Piedra on road to Calovebora, Mori 6733 (MO).
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