(Last Modified On 5/31/2013)
(Last Modified On 5/31/2013)
Ipomoea batatoides Choisy
Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve 8: 136. 1838
Ipomoea microsticta Hall. f., Bull. Herb. Boissier, Ser. 1. 7: 411. 1899. TYPE: Guatemala, Escuintla, Seler 2427 (not seen). Ipomoea glabriuscula House, Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 43: 409. 1907. TYPE: Guatemala, Heyde 1892 (US, not seen).
Lianas; stems herbaceous at the tips, becoming woody with age, glabrous. Leaves broadly ovate to suborbicular, 3-10 cm long, shallowly cordate to truncate basally, acuminate apically, glabrous or obscurely puberulent and with micro- scopic "glands" beneath. Flowers disposed in a 1- to several-flowered axillary cyme; sepals elliptic to suborbicular, 6-8 mm long, subcoriaceous and cochleate; corollas pale pink to white, 4-5 cm long. Fruits capsular, broadly ovoid, apically attenuate to the base of the persistent style; seeds comose.
This species flowers from November to March.
occurs in Mexico, Guate- mala, British Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and South America.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Hillside above Almirante, Gentry 2679 (MO). CANAL ZONE: Past the Pacific Saddle Club, Blum 2057 (MO). Pipeline Road, 12 mi. from Gamboa gate, Croat 12745 (MO). Madden Forest Road at entrance to Boy Scout Road, Croat 12897, 12898 (MO). Near Summit, Dodge & Allen s.n. (MO-1120260). Las Cascadas Plantation, Standley 25823, 29576 (both US). Between Fort Clayton and Corozal, Standley 29057 (US). Madden Dam, collector unknown, 1935 (MO). CHIRIQUi: Between Hato del Jobo and Cerro Vaca, Pittier 5405 (F, MO). COCLE: Road to El Cope, Burch et al. 1367 (MO). El Valle de Anton, Lewis et al. 2579 (MO). COLON: Penonome', Along Santa Rita Ridge road, ca. 20 mi. E of Col6n, Gentry 464 (MO); Williams 391 (NY, US). PANAMA: Hills above Campana, Allen 1322 (F, MO). Santa Rita Ridge, Croat 13850 (MO). Hills between Campana and Potrero, Dodge & Allen 8641 (MO). SE slope of Cerro Campana, Lewis et al. 3129 (MO).
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