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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/31/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/31/2013)
Species Ipomoea trifida (H.B.K.) G. Don
PlaceOfPublication Gen. Syst. 4: 280. 1838.
Synonym Convolvulus trifidus H.B.K., Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 3: 107. 1819. TYPE: Venezuela, Humboldt (P, not seen). Ipomoea ramoni auct. non Choisy (1845). Ipomoea commutata auct. non Roem. & Schult. (1819). Ipomoea trichocarpa auct. non Ell. (1817).
Description Perennial vines; stems very slender and delicate, finely pubescent. Leaves variable, cordate-ovate, entire to deeply 3- or 5-lobed. Inflorescences cymose, mostly with more than one flower open at a time. Flowers with the sepals un- equal, the outer sepals 5-7 mm long, the inner sepals 10 mm long, apically acute, mucronate, finely pubescent or only ciliate, mostly drying to a straw color; co- rolla light lavender with a lavender-purple throat, 3-4 cm long. Fruits capsular, subglobose, 5-7 mm in diameter; seeds brown, rotund, glabrous.
Habit vines
Note Ipomoea trifida flowers from November to March.
Distribution distribution is circum- Caribbean including Cuba; it is apparently introduced into Malaysia.
Note In his published works and annotations, Standley confused this species in most cases with two others. The majority of his determinations of these plants were as I. triloba; the remainder are plants of I. batatas grown from seed. Other authors have made the same errors. After studying several hundred specimens and growing plants in this complex, I find that I. triloba has not been collected in Panama, Costa Rica or Guatemala. It has been collected only in Honduras, British Honduras and Mexico. The species is largely West Indian. Ipomoea trifida, however, is common from southern Mexico to northern South America. It is distinguished from other species in the complex by the shorter outer sepals which are ovate and usually dry straw-yellow. The complex will be examined in detail in a revision I now have in progress.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: S of El Valle de Anton, Allen 2859 (F, MO). Madden Damn, Dwyer 2876 (MO). Anco'n Hill, Greenman & Greenman 5134 (MO). Along Las Cruces Trail, Hunter & Allen 723 (MO). Anco'n Hill, Killip 3286 (US). Without locality, Macbride & Featherstone 2780 (MO). Around Frijoles, Pittier 2677 (US). Balboa, Standley 25521 (US). Sosa Hill, Standley 25282 (US). Balboa, Standley 26095 (US). Anco'n Hill, Standley 26335A (US). Balboa, Standley 26087, 27146, 29306, 32123 (all US). CHIRIQUI': 5.3 mi. N of David, Lewis et al. 730 (MO). David, Lewis et at. 757 (MO). COCLE?: Rio Hato, Burch et al. 1142 (MO). HERBERA: Near Ocii, Allen 4080 (MO). From Chitre' to Divisa, Burch et al. 1364 (MO). 4 mi. S of Los Pozos, Tyson 2682 (MO). LOS SANTOS: 3 mi. S of Chitre', Groat 9711 (MO). 5 mi. S of Pocrii, Croat 9735 (MO). Between Tonosli and Macaracas, Oliver et al. 3534 (MO). Between Tonosi and Cuanico, Stern et al. 1874 (US). PANAMA': Isla del Rey near San Miguel, Duke 10429 (MO). Rio Coronado along Pan American Highway, Gentry 2905 (MO). Taboga Island, Macbride 2780 (F, US). Sabanas, Bro. Paul 151, 205 (both US). Matias Hernatndez, Pittier 6934 (US). Las Sabanas, Standley 25863 (US). Along Corozal Road, Standley 26883 (US). Taboga Island, Standley 27059 (US). Near Juan Franco Race Track, Standley 27706 (US). Taboga Island, Standley 27901 (US). Near Matias Hernaindez, Standley 28869, 28951 (both US). Between Matias Hernaindez and Juan Diaz, Standley 32073 (US). Rio Mar, Tyson et al. 2326 (SMU).  1 mi. W of Bejuco, Tyson & Blum, 2538 (US).
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