Home Iridaceae of sub-Saharan Africa
Iridaceae in sub-Saharan Africa
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!Moraea subg. Visciramosa Goldblatt Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in SEINetAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 63: 7. 1976. (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/22/2016)
Acceptance : Accepted
Taxon Profile     (Last Modified On 6/22/2016)
Description: Plants with branched stems, sticky on and below nodes; corm tunics ± woody, sticky on adaxial surface. Stem branched, bearing cauline sheathing leaves. Foliage leaves several or 2, channelled. Rhipidial spathes acute or obtuse to truncate, outer entirely sheathing. Flowers fugaceous, variously coloured; tepals subequal and all with nectar guides or outer larger and with nectar guides, limbs spreading to reflexed; filaments united in lower half or free but contiguous; style branches broad with abaxial stigmatic lobe bearing a forked or entire appendage in centre, style crests paired and prominent or style branches reduced, lacking crests, then flattened or filiform. Capsules ± globose. Basic chromosome number x = 10.


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1 Foliage leaves 3 or more; rhipidial spathes acute, unequal with outer ± half as long as inner (2)
+ Foliage leaves 2; rhipidial spathes subacute to obtuse, often lacerate at tips, subequal or outer slightly shorter than inner (4)
2 (1) Flowers white or pale blue; outer tepals 40–45 mm long; foliage leaves 4–6 Moraea vespertina
+ Flowers shades of dull yellow to beige or light brown; outer tepals 22–33 mm long; foliage leaves 3(4) (3)
3 (2) Tepal claws forming a wide cup and limbs half reflexed Moraea bubalina
+ Tepal claws suberect forming a narrow cup and limbs fully reflexed Moraea striata
4 (1) Style branches filiform, extending between stamens; tepals with short erect claws ± 2 mm long Moraea simplex
+ Style branches flattened, opposite anthers and appressed to them; tepals with longer ascending claws (5)
5 (4) Style branches shorter than anthers; style branches with crests vestigial or absent Moraea elsiae
+ Style branches ± as long as anthers; style branches with short to long crests (6)
6 (5) Flowers relatively large with outer tepals 23–31 mm long; style branches with crests 6–12(–15) mm long; inner rhipidial spathe 25–40 mm long
+ Flowers fairly small with outer tepals < 23 mm long; style branches with crests (1.5)2.0–5.0(–10.0) mm long; inner rhipidial spathe 15–28 mm long (7)
7 (6) Flowers white, sweetly scented; tepals spreading to half reflexed, sweetly scented Moraea viscaria
+ Flowers yellow, slate blue, or white (occ. flushed pink), usually not scented; tepals usually fully reflexed (rarely half reflexed) (8)
8 (7) Flowers yellow, brown, occ. white (occ. flushed pink); outer tepals 12–18 mm long with claws ± half as long as limbs Moraea inconspicua
+ Flowers slate blue; outer tepals ± 18 mm long with claws slightly longer than limbs Moraea saldanhensis
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