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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/1/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/1/2013)
Species Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.
PlaceOfPublication Repert. Bot. Syst. 1: 779. 1842.
Synonym Dolichos unguiculatus L., Sp. P1. 725. 1753. TYPE: not seen. Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi ex Hassk., Cat. P1. Hort. Bogor 279. 1844. Dolichos sinensis L., Index Alt. Herb. Amboin. 23. 1754. Based on Dolichos sinensis Rumph., Index Alt. Herb. Amboin. 5: 375, tab. 134. 1747.
Description Coarse erect or clambering herbs or vines; stems glabrous, drying terete or strongly angled. Leaves pinnate trifoliolate; leaflets ovate or lanceolate, the lat- eral leaflets strongly oblique, apically acute, acuminate or obtuse, basally obtuse, truncate or cordate, mostly 5-11 cm long, 1.5-5 cm wide, drying slightly discol- orous, glabrous except at the very base; petiolules ca. 3 mm long, pubescent; petiole and the rachis glabrous, drying angled, the petiole mostly exceeding the terminal leaflet; stipels elliptical, rounded, glabrous, the lateral pair 2 mm long, the terminal pair shorter; stipules large, ovate, acuminate, nervate, 7-16 mm long above insertion, produced into 2 oblong auricles to 5 mm long below insertion. Inflorescence 7-30 cm long, the few flowers congested at the apex; peduncle glabrous, erect; bracteoles 4-7 mm long, exceeding the calyx tube, glabrous, nervate, cucullate; bracts 2-3 mm long, glabrous, nervate, cucullate; pedicels stout, 1 mm long. Flowers various colors; calyx tubular campanulate, glabrous, 6-8 mm long, the upper pair fused, deltoid, the lower teeth acuminate, ca. 2 mm long; standard 1.5-2 cm long. Legume linear, straight or curved, slightly com- pressed, mostly 10-40 cm long, ca. 1 cm wide; seeds of various colors. This species is distinct in its glabrous stems leaves and foliage, in its large stipules which are produced below the insertion, and in its large bracteoles which are longer than the bracts or the calyx tube. The pods occasionally grow to great length, over 1 m long, but are mostly much shorter.
Habit herbs or vines
Note Vigna unguiculata is a crop plant in Panama, cultivated in the lowlands. It is called "cowpea" (English) or "frijol chiricana" (Spanish).
Common cowpea frijol chiricana
Specimen COL6N: Trail above Rio Indios along Caribbean Sea, Sullivan 129 (MO). PANAMA: Roadside ditch halfway up Cerro Azul, 100-500 m, D'Arcy 13442 (MO). Colegio courtyard, Panama City, D'Arcy 13457 (K, MO, SCZ). Cultivated, SE side of Madden Lake near Puente Natural, Nee & Hansen 14058 (MO, WIS). Cultivated, Cia. Selecta de Alimentos, Via Bolivar, Panama, Taylor 117 (F).
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