Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (cowpea,
black-eyed pea)
V. sinensis (L.) Endl. ex
Pl. 412 a, b; Map 1832
Plants annual
(perennial herbs farther south), usually with stout taproots. Stems 50–300 cm
long, variously trailing, climbing, and/or twining to erect and bushy,
branched, unarmed, rounded or somewhat ridged, sometimes purplish-tinged,
glabrous or with patches of short, stout, stiff hairs at the nodes. Leaves
alternate, pinnately trifoliate, the petiole 6–11 cm
long. Stipules 8–15 mm long, ovate, peltate, with a
long, ovate to triangular lobe oriented downward below the attachment point,
angled or tapered to a sharply pointed tip, strongly veined, more or less
persistent; stipels 2–3 mm long, oblong-elliptic,
persistent. Leaflets 4–12 cm long, 3–7 cm wide, ovate to broadly ovate, the
terminal leaflet sometimes rhombic with a pair of shallow, blunt, spreading
lobes toward the base, broadly angled or (if lobed) broadly tapered at the
base, angled or slightly tapered to a sharply pointed tip, the lateral leaflets
strongly asymmetric, broadly angled to truncate at the base, angled or slightly
tapered to a sharply pointed tip, the margins entire, the surfaces glabrous,
with 3 main veins from the base, but otherwise more or less pinnately
veined. Terminal leaflet with the stalk 15–30 mm long, symmetric at the base;
lateral leaflets with the stalk 2–4 mm long, oblique at the base.
Inflorescences axillary, very short racemes or clusters, with 2–6 flowers, the
stalk 50–200 mm long, the bracts 4–10 mm long, lanceolate,
shed early, each flower with a stalk 1–2 mm long, the bractlets
3–5 mm long, oblong-obovate, glabrous, more or less
persistent. Calyces glabrous (sometimes minutely hairy along the margins when
young), the tube 3–5 mm long, bell-shaped, somewhat 2-lipped, the lobes 2.5–5.0
mm long, unequal, the upper 2 lobes fused to about their midpoints, the free
portions triangular to broadly triangular, sharply pointed at their tips, the
lower 3 lobes slightly shorter, similar, triangular, sharply pointed at their
tips. Corollas papilionaceous, pink or purple (the
tips of the wings and keel sometimes darker than the other portions), rarely
greenish white (yellow elsewhere), the banner 14–18 mm long, 13–22 mm wide, the
expanded portion curved or bent backward, broadly oblong-ovate to nearly
circular, notched at the tip, with a slender longitudinal keel, lacking
thickened areas toward the base, the wings 15–17 mm long, 7–8 mm wide,
obliquely ovate to obovate, somewhat curved around
the keel, the keel 15–17 mm long, 9–10 mm wide, boat-shaped, fused to about the
tip, bent or curved upward abruptly near the midpoint, the tip bluntly to
sharply pointed. Stamens 10, in 2 alternating, slightly shorter and longer
series, 9 of the filaments fused and 1 free, the fused portion 11–12 mm long,
bent upward at or near its tip, the free portion 6–7 mm long, the anthers
small, attached above the base, yellow. Ovary 9–12 mm long, glabrous, the style
10–12 mm long, bent or curved upward abruptly toward the tip, somewhat
flattened, densely short-hairy on the inner side, the stigma small, terminal.
Fruits legumes, 10–20(–30) cm long, 5–10 mm wide, linear to narrowly oblong,
short-tapered somewhat asymmetrically to a beak, slightly flattened, somewhat
constricted between the seeds, straight or slightly curved, indehiscent or
dehiscing tardily by 2 valves, green to straw-colored or reddish brown at
maturity, sometimes with darker mottling, glabrous, with 8 to numerous seeds.
Seeds 8–12 mm long, 6–8 mm wide, oblong to kidney-shaped in outline, somewhat
flattened, the surface variously brown, green, cream-colored, or white,
sometimes with darker mottling, smooth or finely wrinkled, dull or somewhat
shiny, with a white, slightly raised aril often framed with black at maturity.
2n=22. August–September.
Introduced, uncommon and sporadic,
mostly in the southeastern quarter of the state (probably a native of Africa,
widely distributed in tropical and warm-temperate regions nearly worldwide,
introduced in the eastern [mostly southeastern] U.S. west to Kansas and Texas).
Banks of streams and rivers; also ditches, roadsides, and
sandy, open, disturbed areas.
Vigna unguiculata is recognized by the coarse, bushy or twining
habit, glabrous stems and leaves, large stipules with a basal lobe, flowers
produced in small clusters at the end of an elongate stalk, and long, smooth
legumes. It is one of the world’s important species of legume crops. It
probably originated in sub-Saharan Africa and was disseminated to India and
southern Europe very early (Smartt, 1990). Cowpeas
were introduced into the United States in the 1700s (Wight, 1907) and became a
major legume crop in the southern states. They thrive in hot, wet weather. When
the peas are harvested very young, they are called cream peas. When harvested
near maturity, after the dark patch around the hilum has developed, they are called
black-eyed peas.
Verdcourt (1970b) treated V. unguiculata
as a complex of five subspecies (three cultivated and two wild) differing in
their degree of twining and quantitative details of the calyces and pods. In
his classification, plants cultivated in the New World are all members of the
widespread ssp. unguiculata.