(Last Modified On 4/4/2013)
(Last Modified On 4/4/2013)
Hyptis verticillata Jacq.
Coll. 1: 101, 1787.
Mesosphaerum verticillatum (Jacq.) 0. Ktze., Rev. Gen. P1. 2: 525, 1891.
Herb or half shrub, perennial, 1-3 m tall, the branches appressed-puberulent and generally bearing spreading longer hairs along the angles. Leaves elliptical or oblong-lanceolate, acute, serrulate or subentire, the bases obtuse, to 7 cm long and 2 cm wide, both surfaces lightly pubescent and often bearing longer hairs along the principal veins, resin-dotted; petioles ca 5-10 mm long, the upper leaves sometimes subsessile. Inflorescences verticils, 12-1 5-flowered, ? moniliform, arranged in panicles in the axils of the upper reduced leaves; bracts linear, ca 1-2 mm long, setaceous. Flowers with pedicels ca 0.5-1 mm long, tufts of hairs at the bases; calyx tubular, ca 2 mm long at maturity, teeth ? lanceolate-deltoid, ca 1 mm long, the tube distended at maturity by the nutlets, the teeth somewhat connivent; corolla ca 2-3 mm long, blue and white, exserted, the lobes ca 1 mm long, ? pubescent; stamens exserted, the filaments lightly pubescent, the anthers ca 0.1-0.2 mm long; gynobase lobed, the style ca 2 mm long. Nutlets 2-4, ovoid-oblong, ca 1.5-1.7 mm long, the lobes of the gynobase sometimes adhering, the pericarp somewhat corky.
Herb or half shrub
A widespread weed of the American tropics.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Changuinola to 5 mi S at junct of Rios Changuinola & Terebe, Lewis et al. 920 (MO); Chiriquicito to 5 mi S along Rio Guarumo, Lewis et al. 1983 (MO); s. loc., von Wedel 326 (MO); vic of Chiriqui Lagoon, Cocoa Cay, von Wedel 2878 (MO). CANAL ZONE: Rio Chagres, Fendler 221 (MO); Ft San Lorenzo, Tyson 2240 (MO); vic of Miraflores, G. White 125 (F, MO); s. loc., s. coll. (MO 1119508). DARIEN: Rio Balso betw Quebrada Chusomocatre & Rio Areti, Duke 8274 (MO); Tucute, Terry & Terry 1401 (F, MO). PANAMA: Taboga I, Allen 1302 (MO); Rio Pita, 1-3 above confluence with Rio Maestra, Duke 4732 (MO); Rio Chagres tributary, 5 mi SW Cerro Brewster, Lewis et al. 3466 (MO); Chepo, Tyson 1427 (MO); Canita, 18 m E of Chepo, Tyson & Smith 4138 (MO). SAN BLAS: mainland opposite Achituppu to 1.5 mi inland, Lewis et al. 96 (MO). PROVINCE UNKNOWN: Andersson s. n. (MO).
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