A slender tomentose climber. Leaves peltate, 2.5-12 cm long, 2.5-11.5 cm broad, triangularly broad-ovate, or orbicular, obtuse, mucronate, base cordate or truncate, ± tomentose on both sides, ultimately becoming glabrous above and glaucous below; petiole pubescent. Flowers minute, pedicels filiform. Male flowers in pedunculate branched cymes, clustered in the axil of a small leaf; sepals 4, obovate-oblong, hairy outside; petals 4, united to form a 4-toothed cup, hairy outside; stamens 4, filaments united, column short, anthers connate, encircling the top of the column. Female flowers clustered in the axils of orbicular, hoary imbricate bracts, on 5-10 cm long racemes; sepal 1, ovate-oblong, pubescent outside; petal 1, obtriangular subreniform; carpel 1, densely hairy; style shortly 3-fid. Drupe 4-6 mm long, 3-4 mm broad, subglobose, compressed, hairy-pubescent, red when fresh, black when dry, endocarp transversely ribbed, tuberculate. Seeds horseshoe-shaped.