Trees, 12 – 30 m high, with 8 – 12 m wide, rounded or spreading, thin or dense crown from solitary, straight, usually short trunk. Bark smooth all over, shedding in small to large, irregular plates, mottled with white, blue-grey or green-grey patches, frequently some rough, dark grey to black dead bark is retained at base of the trunk. Leaves alternate, petioles 1.4 – 2.5 cm long, terete or channeled, lamina lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, 10 – 20 (-25) x (1-) 1.5
3(-5) cm, green, acuminate, concolorous. Inflorescence simple, axillary, 7 – 11-flowered umbels, peduncles 7 – 15 mm long. Flowers white, c. 2 cm across, profuse, sessile or on up to 8 mm long pedicels. Buds conical to cylindrical, 9 – 12 x 3 – 4 mm, with conical or horn-like, 7 – 9 x c. 4 mm calyptras; hypanthium hemispherical. 2 – 3 mm long, as broad as calyptra. Fruits hemispherical to ± globular, 3 – 5 x 3 – 6 mm; disc broad, steeply ascending, ; valves (3-) 4 (-5), strongly exserted. Seeds cuboid or elongated, brown-black