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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/20/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/20/2013)
Species MAXILLARIA VARIABILIS Batem. ex Lindl.
PlaceOfPublication Bot. Reg. 23: sub t. 1986. 1837.
Synonym Maxillaria Henchmanni Hook. in Bot. Mag. t. 36I4. 1837. Maxillaria angustifolia Hook. Ic. Plant. 4: t. 348. 1841. Maxillaria Lyoiii Lindl. in Bot. Reg. n. s. 8: Misc. 17. 1845. Maxillaria revoluta K1. in Allgem. Gartenzeit. 20:186. 1852. Maxillaria chiriquensis Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:68. 1922. Maxillaria panamensis Schltr. loc. cit. 70. 1922. Maxillaria costaricensis Schltr. loc. cit. 19:232. 1923.
Description Erect or pendulous, epiphytic herbs with short or elongate, usually simple stems of very variable vegetative appearance, 5-30 cm. long. Pseudobulbs linear to elliptic-oblong, subcylindric to strongly ancipitous, usually rugose, 1.5-6 cm. long and .3-2.0 cm. wide, approximate and inserted at an acute angle on the stems, the truncate apices monophyllous, the internodes and bases enveloped in closely imbricating, papery bracts. Leaves coriaceous, ligular, obtuse or 2-lobed at the apex, 3-15 cm. long and .3-1.6 cm. wide, contracted below into very short, conduplicate petioles. Inflorescences slender, 1-flowered, often solitary scapes produced from the bract axils of the flush of new growth, or sometimes from the base of the current mature pseudobulb. Flowers usually of moderate size or small, white or yellow marked with dark red, or with a red lip, or entirely dark red. Sepals sub- equal, free, more or less spreading, linear-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, with a minute apicule or sometimes acute, 6-12 mm. long and 2-4 mm. wide, the laterals adnate to the foot of the column, forming a short, subacute mentum. Petals lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute, 5-10 mm. long and 1.5-3.5 mm. wide. Lip entire or obscurely 3-lobed near the apex, 6-12 mm. long and 3-6 mm. wide when spread out, the base articulated with the column foot, the lateral margins rounded and erect in natural position, the mid-lobe subacute to truncate and shallowly emarginate, about 1/3 the total length of the lip; the disk with a ligular, obtuse callus nearly equalling the lateral lobes. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, 1-celled.
Distribution Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, British Guiana, and probably adjacent territories.
Specimen PANAMA: hills near Panama City, sea level, Powell I24. COCL.E: vic. El Valle de Anton, 600-1000 m., Allen 1252, 3716, 3813. CHIRIQUi: without definite locality, 4000 ft., Powell 125; vic. Boquete, 4000-4500 ft., Powell 418; Cerro de Lino, vic. Boquete, 1000-1300 m., Pittier 3017; vic. Boquete, 3800 ft., Davidson 645; vic. Monte Lirio, upper Rio Chiriqui Viejo, G. White 38; vic. New Switzerland, Rio Chiriqui Viejo, 1800-2000 m., Allen 1339.
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