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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/19/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/19/2013)
Species Oxalis articulata Savigny
PlaceOfPublication Lamarck, Encycl. 4. 686-687. 1797.
Note TYPE: Uruguay, Montevideo, in pascuis, Commerson May 1767 (P-Juss., holotype; P, isotype).
Description Apparently stemless herb to 40 cm; stem ligneous, rhizomatous, brown, dark, more than 15 cm long, to 2 cm diam., tortuose, bearing the scars of the bases of stipules adnate to petioles of decayed leaves; roots tuberous, subligneous, cylin- dric, knobby or articulate, dark, thick, more than 10 cm long, 25 mm diam., branched, fibrous, to 15 cm long, sometimes with a long branch bearing a tuber at its apex. Leaves 3-30-fasciculate; leaflets widely obovate subcuneate or cu- neate, 5-30 mm long, 7-45 mm wide, slightly retuse or acute, incised to 1/5 Of its length, a purplish basal callus frequently present, the pubescence straight, ap- pressed, uniform, dense on both faces or only below, or shorter and loose; orange calli abundant near the margins, unequal, rarely scattered on the rest of the surface; stipules connate to the petiole, ovate or triangular, 4-16 mm long, 2-6.5 mm wide, narrowed towards the apex, the hairs appressed ascendent, ciliate; petioles ascendent, 13-30 cm long, densely appressed pubescent to glabrate with short appressed hairs; petiolule ca. 1/2 mm long, thick, densely pilose. Inflores- cences of umbelliform simple cymes, 2-5-flowered, bifid, asymmetric, multiflow- ered with up to 20 flowers or of bifid cymes composed of umbelliform cymes; peduncles taller than the foliage (2.5-40 cm) the pubescence similar to that of the petioles; bracts 2-3 mm long; bracteole 0.5-1(-2) mm long, situated at the base of the inflorescence, oblong or linear, appressed-pilose with 1-2 orange calli at the apex; pedicels long filiform, 1-5.5 cm long, articulate near the base. Flowers with the sepals linear-elliptic to linear 2.5-6.5 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, acute, the internal sepal obtuse, often with 3-4 unequal calli, densely appressed-pubescent,
Habit herb
Description the hairs straight; petals violaceous, obovate-oblong, clawed, connate near the middle, 2-3 times the length of the sepals, the areas exposed in bud covered with white sericeous appressed hairs; stamens with linear filaments, basally broad and abruptly narrowed about the middle, the longer stamens 3.5 mm long, pubescent, the shorter stamens 2 mm long, glabrous, connate to about 2/3, the anthers ovoid; pistils macro-, meso- and microstylous, ca. 5.5 mm long, the ovary pilose at least at the apex and back of the carpels, carpels 4-8-ovuled, the styles densely pilose, the stigma small, capitate. Capsule cylindric or oblong, acute, 8-11 mm long, the calyx to ?2 of its length, densely ascending appressed pubescent overall or only at the apex of the carpels, the carpels 4-8-seeded; seeds light brownish, ovoid or ellipsoid, acute at both ends, 1-1.25 mm long, 8-9-ribbed in zig-zag, transversally striate with 4-8 deep pits.
Distribution Originally from Uruguay, extreme southern Brazil, and some localities of Buenos Aires (Argentina), this species is introduced and cultivated in other American countries and in the Old World.
Note It may escape and become naturalized.
Specimen CHIRIQUT: Bambito, escaped from cultivation, roadside, Croat 15882 (MO).
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