This species is characterized by its elliptic leaves with generally a leathery texture, an obtuse to rounded apex, and the venation not visible or the secondary veins sometimes visible but not much raised; triangular stipules; terminal, cymose, lax inflorescences with several flowers on well developed ebracteate pedicels; calyx limbs with the tube well developed and truncate to shallowly lobed; fleshy rather large corollas with the anthers mostly to completely included; and rather large fruits with the calyx tube persistent and rather large. Tarenna thouarsiana is perhaps the most frequently collected species of Tarenna. It has been frequently collected in littoral forest, but also elsewhere. Several specimens from Antsiranana that have been identified as Tarenna thouarsiana (by others than De Block) and have rather thin-textured and/or acute leaves are here provisionally excluded (e.g., Razakamalala & Rabehevitra 1323, Ravelonarivo et al. 132, Rasoavimbahoaka 622, Service Forestier (leg. Capuron) 27688, Rebevohitra et al. 4579).