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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/16/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/16/2013)
Species Paullinia alata (Ruiz & Pavon) G. Don
PlaceOfPublication Gen. Syst. 1: 660. 1831.
Synonym Semarillaria alata Ruiz & Pavon, Fl. Peruv. Chil. 4: tab. 340. 1802. TYPE: Peru, Chicoplaya, Ruiz & Pavon (B, not seen). Paullinia rhizantha Poepp. & Endlich., Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 3: 36, pt. 243. 1844. TYPE: Peru, Dept. of Loreto, Yurimaguas, Poeppig 2239 (F). Paullinia metensis Cuatr., Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 4: 347. 1941. TYPE: Colombia, Los Llanos, Rio Meta, La Perra, near Cano de Aricaporo, 120 m, Cuatrecasas 4308 (US).
Description Lianas; stems 3-angled, villous when young, glabrate and shiny in age; wood composite with a single central core surrounded by 3 peripheral bundles, the peripheral bundles sometimes divided into 2 bundles each. Leaves pinnately 5-foliolate, 18-40 cm long; petiole broadly winged, usually 5-10 mm wide; petiolules ca. 4 mm long, densely pubescent; leaflets elliptic to obovate, acuminate at the apex, cuneate to acute at the base, often shortly rounded on to the petiole, 5-21 cm long, 3-12.5 cm wide, membranous, glabrous except for the midrib above and the barbulate vein axils beneath, the margins crenate to serrate-dentate from beyond the middle; stipules narrowly triangular, less than 3 mm long, glabrous, soon deciduous. Thyrses glomerulate-fasciculate in the axils of the leaves of older stems or on tendrils, the rachis sparsely villous, to 2 cm long, usually short; pedi- cels 3-5.5 mm long, sparsely puberulous, usually articulate ca. 1 mm below the flower. Flowers white, greenish white or with a yellow calyx and white petals; sepals ovate, ca. 3 mm long, glabrous; petals obovate-oblong, 3-4 mm long, glabrous, the scales of both anterior and lateral petals ca. 3 mm long, broad at the base, narrow at the middle, ciliate on the margins, the crest large, equalling the basal part, cordate-bifid, glabrous, the deflexed appendage of the anterior petals triangular, marginally ciliate; disc glands about as broad as long, glabrous, subtending the anterior petals only; stamens to 3 mm long, the filaments glabrous or villous. Fruits 3-celled, obovate, long stipitate, wingless, with a tumid projec- tion at the apex of each carpel, 1.5-2 cm long, weakly striate, glabrous, red; seeds 3, ellipsoid, laterally compressed, ca. 1 cm long, the aril extending to midway on each side.
Habit Lianas
Note The species may be confused with Paullinia pinnata, P. sessiliflora var. an- gustirachis and P. bracteosa but is distinguished from the first two species by its glomerulate inflorescence and from the last by its much smaller fruit and bar- bulate vein axils on the lower leaf surface. Paullinia alata flowers in Panama from June through October, and fruits ma- ture from September through January or sometimes as late as March.
Distribution The species ranges from Costa Rica south to the Amazon Basin in Peru and Bolivia. In Panama it is known from tropical moist and premontane wet forests.
Note Juvenile plants (Croat & Porter 15518, 15499) may have the older stems terete.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Water Valley, von Wedel 853 (GH, MO, US). CHRIrQUI: Quebrada Quanabanito beyond La Repressa W of Puerto Armuelles, Croat 22047 (MO). San Bartolo Arriba, W of Puerto Armuelles, 125 m, Croat 26698A (MO). Tole, vie. of Santa Ana Well, ca. 1000 ft, Dwyer & Kirkbride 7461 (MO, SCZ). Vic. of San Felix, 0-120 m, Pittier 5139 (M, US). DARIEN: Rio Pirre, Croat & Porter 15499 (MO), 15517 (MO, SCZ), 15518 (MO). Chepigana District, Davidson et al. 1394 (F). Without exact- locality, Duke 5019 (MO). Vic. of Cana, 1750 ft, Stern et al. 474 (G, GH, MO, US). PANAMA: Sabanas near Chepo, 30 m, Allen 25 (F). Rio Bayano above confluence with Rio Chepo, Duke 4003 (GH, MO, US). Between Cafiazas and Sabalo, 100 m, Duke 14452 (MO). Sabanas near Chepo, 30 m, Hunter & Allen 25 (F, GH, K, MO, NY, P, S, US). Mamoni River above Chepo, 20-25 m, Pittier 4736 (M, NY, US). Just S of La Capitana, Tyson 6761 (MO).
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