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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/15/2013)
Species Castilleja quirosii Standley,
PlaceOfPublication Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 18: 1104. 1938.
Note TYPE: Alrededores del crater del Volca'n de Irazui, Quiros 329 (F).
Synonym Castilleja aurantiaca Pennell, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 338. 1940. TYPE: Panama, Woodson et al. 926 (MO, NY, PH). Castilleja chiriquiensis Pennell, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 338. 1940. TYPE: Panama, Maxon 5307 (NY, US). Castilleja seibertii Pennell, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 339. 1940. TYPE: Panama, Woodson et al. 1085 (MO, NY). Castilleja bicolor Pennell, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 340. 1940. TYPE: Panama, Woodson et al. 1035 (NY, PH).
Description Perennial herb or shrub; stems 1.5-10 dm- tall, simple or usually much branched and woody below, hirsute with spreading or reflexed hairs, rarely nearly glabrous, obscurely lined or ribbed by decurrent leaf bases. Leaves 1-3(-4) cm long, divided into 1-2(-4) pairs of lateral lobes in the upper 1/2 or rarely entire, the midblade linear, the lateral lobes filiform, usually 3-veined, densely and finely cinereous puberulent, sometimes nearly glabrous with scabrid margins and nerves. Inflorescence a secund raceme; bracts entire or the lower lobed, the pubescence as on the leaves, distally or nearly wholly colored red to orange; pedicels ascend- ing, 2-6(-11) mm long in flower, 6-8(-18) mm long in fruit. Flowers con- spicuous; calyx 15-20(-23) mm long, the posterior cleft shallow, 1-3 mm deep, the anterior cleft 11-16 mm deep, the primary lobes entire or emarginate, if lobed the posterior lobes longer, rounded, hispidulous, red to orange, sometimes yellowish orange at the tip; corolla (18-)22-28(-32) mm long, decurved, the galea more than twice as long as the tube, 16-20(-23) mm long, slender, densely white puberulent dorsally, yellow to yellowish green with reddish margins, the lower lip much reduced with 3 narrow teeth about 1 mm long, dark green or reddish green, the tube 7-8(-10) mm long. Fruit a capsule, 8-12 mm long, ovoid, dark brown.
Habit herb or shrub
Note Castilleja quirosii-is frequent to rare in the upland of the Volca'n de Chiriqui on open rocky ridges and in elfin forests from 2,000 to 3,600 m elevation, flower- ing year-round. It is also found on the slopes of Volcan de Irazui and Cerro de Escazui in Costa Rica, from 1,500 to 3,300 m elevation. Pennell (1940), who described four new species from the slopes of Volcan Chiriqui, had only six collections from which to draw his conclusions. With 13 new collections from the Chiriqui Province for comparison the four Pennell entities merge into one variable species. The different growth forms Pennell distinguished appear to be phenotypic products of differing exposures to sun and wind, elevations and moisture. Pennell also distinguished the four on color
Elevation 1,500 to 3,300 m
Note differences, but color variability is common in species of Castilleja. Standley based his C. quirosii on a collection from a disjunct population of the species in the Cordillera Central of Costa Rica. Castilleja quirosii belongs to section Castilleja, a highly derived group that reaches its best development in the mountains of southern Mexico, Central America and northern Andean South America. The closest relatives to C. quirosii are in Costa Rica, C. talamancensis N. Holmgren of the northern half of the Cordillera de Talamanca and C. irasuensis Oerst. of Volcan Irazu' and Volcan Turrialba in the Cordillera Central. These two kindred species differ from our species in having prominently ribbed stems and glabrate to glabrous herbage as opposed to obscurely ribbed, hispid stems. The calyx of C. talamancensis is red with yellow lobe tips while both C. quirosii and C. irasuensis are red or orange to the tips.
Specimen cHIRiQUI: Summit and SW face of Cerro Copete, 9000 ft, Allen 4886 (MO). Top of peak between Barii and Respinga, 3000 m, D'Arcy 10084 (MO). 11 km WNW of Boquete, 3000 m, Davidse & D'Arcy 10247 (MO). Volca'n de Chiriqui, Boquete District, 7000 ft, Davidson 869 (MO). Potrero Muleto, Volca'n de Chiriqui, Boquete District, 10400 ft, Davidson 1032 (US). Summit of Chiriqui Volcano, 3600 m, Killip 3600 (US). Cuesta Grande, E slope of Chiriqui Volcano, 2600-2990 m, Maxon 5307 (NY, US). Upper belt of Chiriqui Volcano, N slope, 3000-3374 m, Pittier 3088 (US). Volca'n de Chiriqui, Sapper (US). Volcatn de Chiriquf, Boquete District, 11,000 ft, Terry 1353 (MO). 8 mi NE of El Volcan, 8100-8400 ft, Tyson 834 (MO). Top of El Baru' above 11,000 ft, Tyson & Loftin 6162 (MO). Valley of the upper Rio Chiriqui Viejo, White 50 (MO). Finca Lerida to Pefia Blanca, 1750-2000 m, Woodson & Schery 332 (MO). Potrero Muleto to summit, Volca'n de Chiriqui, 3500-4000 m, Woodson & Schery 396 (MO), 431 (MO). Casita Alta, Volca'n de Chiriqui, ca. 1500-2000 m, Woodson, Allen & Seibert 926 (MO, NY). Loma Larga to summit, Volcan de Chiriqui 2500- 3380 m, Woodson et al. 1035 (MO, NY), 1085 (MO, NY).
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