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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/27/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/27/2013)
Species Cissus microcarpa Vahl
PlaceOfPublication Eclog. Amer. 1: 16, 1796.-Fig. 2E.
Description Vine, usually woody, the stems terete, sulcate, unwinged, lenticels sparse and inconspicuous, glabrous except for occasional appressed pilose hairs on the younger stems, the nodes swollen; stipules broadly ovate to subrotund, subpersistent, 3-4 mm long, the apex acute to obtuse, glabrescent. Leaves 3-foliolate, the petiole 1.5-6 cm long, striate, glabrous or occasionally appressed-pilose on the juvenile forms, the lateral veins conspicuous beneath, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, mucronate- serrate; terminal leaflet 3-10 cm long, 1.4-6 cm broad, broadly elliptic, elliptic, ovate-elliptic, cuneate at the base, petiolule 0.5-2 cm long, acuminate at the apex, mucronate, the lateral veins 5-6 pairs; lateral leaflets 3-8 cm long, 0.6-5 cm broad, obliquely elliptic or ovate to rhombic, obliquely rounded at the base, acute to shortly acuminate at the apex, mucronate, the lateral veins 3-5 pairs. Inflorescences cymose-umbellate and appearing corymbiform, the peduncles 0.6-1.8 cm long, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs. Flowers appearing red or reddish-orange, the pedicel 1-4 mm long, glabrous to sparsely pilose; calyx cupular, the lobes indiscernible; corolla ca 1 mm long, the lobes ovate to ovate-triangular, acute at the apex, pistil 1-1.5 mm long. Berries green, turbinate to spherical (?), ca 6-8 mm in diam, usually 1-seeded, the seeds pyriform, 4-6 mm long.
Habit Vine
Distribution Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: vic of Chiriqui Lagoon, von Wedel 1040 (GH, MO, US), 1334 (GH, MO), 1517 (GH, MO); Almirante, on rd to Bomba, Blum 1335 (MO); Changuinola Valley, Potrero I, Dunlap 77 (F); Rio Cricamola, betw Finca St. Louis & Konkintoe, Wood- son et al. 1916 (MO). CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado I, Ebinger 277 (MO); vit of Sala- manca Hydrographic Station, Rio Pequeri, Woodson et al. 1626 (MO); Coco Solo, U. S. Army Tropic Test Center, Mine Emplacement Center, Dwyer & Duke 7920 (GH, MO, US). COCLE: foothills of Cerro Pilon, nr El Valle de Anton, Duke & Correa 14714 (MO); betw Cerro Pilon & El Valle de Anton, Duke & Dwyer 13951 (MO). PANAMA: along Pan-Am Highway, nr Jenine, Duke 3820 (MO); gallery along Rio Terable, nr Pan-Am highway & El Llano, Duke 5657 (MO); tributary of Rio Chagres, 5 mi SW of Cerro Brewster, Lewis et al. 3372 (DUKE, K, MO, NY, UC), 3458 (DUKE, K, MO, UC); Cerro Jefe, 10-13 mi beyond Goofy Lake, Duke 8027 (MO).
Note In Panama this species has been consistently confused with C. rhombifolia. Cissus microcarpa can be readily identified by long petiolate leaves which are mucronate-serrate and the generally glabrous condition. Like several other species of Cissus the upright inflorescences are often showy due to the bright red peduncles.
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