4. Fleischerobryum Loeske 长柄藓属 chang bing xian shu
Stud. Morph. Syst. Laubm. 127. 1910.
Plants large, yellowish green when young, reddish brown when old, somewhat glossy, in loose tufts. Stems erect, simple or multi-branched; branch tips often hooked when dry; tomentose below, rhizoids papillose; central strand developed. Leaves loosely arranged, erect-patent or secund, ovate at base, narrowly lanceolate to slenderly acuminate toward apex; margins slightly recurved, serrate except at base; costae slender, percurrent or shortly excurrent; upper leaf cells linear, thick-walled, more or less smooth; median cells rectangular, lax, thin- to slightly thick-walled, with central papillae or with papillae at upper cell ends, sometimes smooth; basal leaf cells broadly rhomboidal, smooth; marginal cells narrowly rectangular. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves similar to vegetative leaves. Setae elongate, straight or curved above; capsules pyriform or elongate-ovoid, inclined to horizontal, reddish brown; neck long, smooth; opercula conic, shortly rostrate; annuli not differentiated; peristome double; exostome teeth lanceolate, with a median zigzag line, trabeculate on inner surface; endostome segments split above; basal membrane low, yellowish brown; cilia 1–2, short. Calyptrae cucullate. Spores spherical to kidney-shaped, papillose.