Hyophila Brid., Bryol. Univ. 1(Suppl.): 760. 1827.
Plants small to medium-sized, in tufts. Stems irregularly branched, hyalodermis not or weakly differentiated, central strand present, sparsely radiculose; rhizoids large, red, smooth. Leaves erect at base, tubulose, incurved or spreading when dry, erect-spreading when wet, spathulate, grooved along the costa; apices rounded to rounded-obtuse; margins plane throughout or recurved below, entire to denticulate or dentate above; costa subpercurrent, percurrent, or short excurrent into a reddish apiculus, guide cells and two stereid bands well-developed, enlarged ventral surface layer present; upper cells mammillose-bulging on ventral surface, plane on dorsal surface, rounded quadrate to rounded-hexagonal, smooth, basal cells long-rectangular, thick- or thin-walled. Dioicous. Perichaetia and perigonia terminal. Setae elongate. Capsules cylindric; exothecial cells oblong, thick-walled, opercula conic-rostrate; annuli well-developed; peristome absent. Calyptra cucullate, spirally twisted around the capsule, smooth.