Pleurochaete Lindb., Öfvers. Förh. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. – Akad.21: 253. 1864.
Plants medium-sized to robust, in loose or dense tufts, glaucous-green, green, to yellow-green, glossy. Stems sparsely branched, sclerodermis and central strand present. Leaves clasping to sheathing at base, spreading and strongly contorted above when dry, squarrose-recurved when wet, oblong-lanceolate; apices acute; margins undulate, smooth or denticulate above, bordered in lower 1/2 to 2/3 by enlarged, thin-walled, hyaline cells; costa percurrent or excurrent, guide cells and two bands present, ventral surface layer enlarged; upper cells oblate to irregularly quadrate or short-rectangular, pluripapillose, basal cells long-rectangular, smooth, alar cells not differentiated. Dioicous. Perigonia and perichaetia lateral, perichaetial leaves sheathing. Setae elongate. Capsules cylindric; opercula conic-rostrate; peristome divided to the base into 32, twisted, orange-red, spiculose filaments. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth, naked.