Hyophiladelphus (C. Müll.) Zand., Bryologist 98: 372. 1995.
Barbula sect. Hyophiladelphus C. Müll., Syn. Musc. Frond. 1: 604. 1849. Barbula subg. Hyophiladelphus (C. Müll.) Zand., Phytologia 44: 201. 1979. Tortula sect. Hyophiladelphus (C. Müll.) Broth., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1(3): 429. 1902.
Barbula sect. Agrariae Steere in Grout, Moss Fl. N. Amer. 1(3): 173. 1938.
Plants small, gregarious to tufted. Stems very short, not branched, hyalodermis weakly present, central strand well-developed; rhizoids clustered at base of stem. Axillary hairs with all cells hyaline. Leaves oblong, elliptic, or oblong-spathulate, rosulate, erect-incurved when dry, erect-spreading to spreading when wet; apices broadly acute, often mucronate; margins entire to faintly serrulate at apex, erect when wet, inrolled when dry; costa stoutly short-excurrent to percurrent, ventral surface cells elongate, guide cells and two stereid bands present, ventral and dorsal surface layers somewhat enlarged; upper cells short-rectangular, quadrate or oblong-rhombic, firm-walled, bulging-mammillose on ventral surface, plane on dorsal surface, basal cells short- or long-rectangular, oblong, triangular, thin-walled, smooth, alar cells enlarged, bulging. Dioicous. Perichaetia and perigonia terminal. Setae elongate, smooth. Capsules cylindrical, erect, smooth; exothecial cells rectangular, thin-walled; stomata in neck; opercula erect, long-rostrate; annuli of 1–2 rows of vesiculose cells, revoluble; peristome well-developed, teeth spirally twisted, basal membrane high. Spores smooth or lightly papillose. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth.