14. Leucodon subulatus Broth. 长叶白齿藓 chang ye bai chi xian
Symb. Sin. 4: 75. 1929. Type: China. Yunnan, Handel-Mazzetti 9765.
Plants yellowish brown above, dark brown below. Secondary stems rarely branched, with ascending branches 3–4 cm long, ca. 3 mm wide with leaves; a central strand present; flagelliform and pendulous branches absent; pseudoparaphyllia few, foliose. Stem leaves narrowly lanceolate, 4.0–5.2 mm long, plicate, gradually acuminate; margins entire; leaf cells linear; upper cells ca. 40 µm × ca. 4 µm, thin-walled; median cells ca. 70 µm × ca. 5 µm, porose; alar cells subquadrate, 12–20 µm × ca. 12 µm, extending up to 1/8–1/7 the leaf length. Dioicous. Inner perichaetial leaves ca. 7 mm long. Setae ca. 12 mm long, yellowish brown, smooth; capsules yellowish brown, oblong-ovoid; annuli in two rows; peristome double; exostome teeth lanceolate, densely papillose, often split; endostome reduced. Spores 56–64 µm in diameter, densely minutely papillose.