8. Spermacoce
About 30–250
species (depending on generic circumscription), in the broad sense nearly
The genus Spermacoce
has been delimited in several very different ways. There is much variation in
the fruits of the group, and this has been given differing weights by various
authors. In general Spermacoce and its relatives are herbs and low
shrubs with bristly stipules and 2-seeded, small, dry fruits. Diodia of
our flora is related; this genus is distinguished by its fruits that split into
two parts, with each part indehiscent, and is native to the New World. About
100 other species found in tropical and warm-temperate regions around the world
are similar to Diodia, but have fruits that dehisce to some extent, or
sometimes do not dehisce or split apart at all. Some authors, led by Verdcourt
(1958, 1976) and Fosberg et al. (1993), have considered the fruit type to be
relatively unimportant for classification in this group, and have included all
these species in one cosmopolitan genus, Spermacoce. However, other
authors, including Steyermark (1963) and Bacigalupo and Cabral (1999), have
considered fruit type very important in this group, and have used it along with
several other features, especially pollen morphology (which is quite variable
among these plants), to separate various genera.
Bacigalupo and
Cabral (1999) included in their version of the genus Spermacoce only
about 30 New World tropical species with unusual fruits that are asymmetrical,
with the larger half opening to release its seed and the smaller half remaining
closed (dispersing with its seed still inside). In their classification, the
Missouri species of Spermacoce, which does not have this fruit type, was
segregated into its own genus, Spermacoceodes Kuntze (although the
Caribbean species Tobagoa maleolens Urb. has similar fruits and may be
closely related). Until this entire group is better understood through careful
worldwide study, the generic classification will not be agreed upon and
consequently will continue changing. Therefore, the genus Spermacoce is
retained in the traditional sense in the present treatment to include the
Missouri species.