Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, sometimes woody at base and shrubby, branched mostly from below, pubescent with 2-4-partite, appressed hairs, rarely stellately hairy, usually rough; stem usually very leafy, ± tetragonate or terete. Leaves simple, entire to pinnatifid, stalked to sessile, usually broadly linear to elliptic, often with triangulate teeth. Racemes usually many flowered, corymbose, elongated in fruit. Flowers usually medium sized and yellow or orange, pedicellate; pedicels often short and thickened in fruit, ascending or spreading. Sepals erect, inner ± saccate at base. Petals usually twice as long as the sepals, long-clawed. Stamens 6; filaments not appendaged; anthers linear-oblong. Lateral nectar glands annular or semiannular; middle glands short, not joining the laterals, often 2-3 lobed. Ovary linear-terete, pubescent, many ovuled; style short with a ± bilobed, capitate stigma. Siliquae often elongated, ± tetragonate or terete, pubescent; valves with a distinct mid-vein or rib; septum membranous, often rigid, not veined; seeds many, uniseriate, oblong, often subangular.