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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 12/18/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 12/18/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Prodr. 3:293. 1828.
Description Large trees. Leaves rather large and coriaceous, entire in our species, usually not congested at the tips of the twigs. Flowers in subterminal or axillary panicles or racemes. Hypanthium obovoid. Calyx deeply 6-lobed, usually less than half adnate to the fruit in our species, becoming more or less prominently thickened in fruit or rarely (E. calyculata) retaining their coriaceous texture. Petals 6, more or less unequal (of abnormally thin texture in E. panamensis). Androphore strongly bilaterally symmetrical, produced into a prominent spirally involute staminodial posterior hood concealing the relatively few minute fertile stamens of the central disc. Ovary 2-celled, each with several nearly sessile erect basal ovules; stigma capitate and essentially entire, sessile or borne upon a prominent stylo- podium. Fruit a mediocre, woody or subcoriaceous, depressed-campanulate, dehiscent pyx, the seeds several, basal, sessile, thick and angulate, the embryo undifferentiated.
Habit trees
Note This is the largest genus of Lecythidaceae, consisting of over 90 species accord- ing to Knuth, and extending from Costa Rica to central Brazil. The trees are generally similar to Lecythis, but do not attain such great size in Panama.
Key a. Flowers relatively small, about 1.5-2.0 cm. in diameter, the petals thin in texture, the calyx lobes 1-2 mm. long; peduncles slender and panicu- late, characteristically branched toward the base; leaves rather small, usually about 6-12 cm. long. Atlantic slope: San Blas. ------- 1. E. PANAMENSIS aa. Flowers relatively large, about 2.5-3.5- cm. in diameter, the petals thick in texture, the calyx lobes 6-9 mm. long; peduncles thick and racemose, characteristically unbranched; leaves rather large, usually about 15-35 cm. long. b. Pyx very thickly woody, the pericarp about 1 cm. thick or more, the calyx lobes adnate to about midway of the pyx and becoming very prominent and woody. Pacific slope: Chiriqui .----------------- 2. E. PITTIERI bb. Pyx thin and subcoriaceous, the, pericarp scarcely more than 2 mm. thick, the calyx lobes adnate to the base of the pyx. c. Calyx lobes strongly adnate, not accrescent, becoming vestigial in fruit; leaves elliptic-oblong, narrowly and acutely subcaudate- acuminate. Pacific slope:' Darien. ------------------- 3. E. GARAGARAE cc. Calyx lobes weakly adnate, accrescent and prominent in fruit; leaves obovate-oblong, obtuse or rounded to abruptly and obtusely acuminate. Atlantic slope: Bocas del Toro and Colon. ---- 4. E. CALYCULATA
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