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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 4/2/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 4/2/2013)
Genus Manilkara Adanson
PlaceOfPublication Fam. 2: 166, 1763.
Description Trees, unarmed. Leaves alternate; blades coriaceous, the primary laterals numerous, fine, rather closely spaced, often subobscure, straight (not arcuate ncar the margin). Flowers fasciculate in the axils of leaves or leaf-sc ars or solitary; sepals usually 6, infrequently 4 or 8, in 2{ whorls of (42)3(4); corolla-lobes as many as the sepals, each with a pair of dorsal ? petaloid appendages arising from the base, occasionally these fused to the lobes or lacking; staminodes usually petaloid, rarely minute or replaced by functional-stamens; stamens as many as corolla-lobes or rarely twice as many (morphologically 2 whorls), typically at- tached to the corolla at the juncture of the tube and lobes; ovary often pubescent, 6 to 14-celled, the ovules affixed laterally. Fruit 1 to several-seeded, fleshy; seed compressed, the scar rather elongate, lateral or basilateral (but equalling or sur- passing the middle of the seed), more or less linear, the endosperm copious.
Habit Trees
Distribution Thirteen species are known in North America, four occurring in Panama.
Reference Cronquist, A. Studies in the Sapotaceae, IV. The North American species of Manilkara. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 72: 550-562, 1945.
Key a. Flowers 2-12 per axillary fascicle; corolla-tube usually shorter than the corolla- lobes; ovary glabrate or pubescent only on the upper portion. b. Pedicels glabrous; outer sepals glabrate by anthesis; corolla-lobes equalled in length by dorsal appendages arising from their base (each appendage deeply bifid or trifid); ovary glabrate; fruit smooth or but slightly rough- ened. 1. M. bidentata This content downloaded from on Tue, 26 Mar 2013 14:18:27 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions1968] FLORA OF PANAMA (Family 154. Sapotaceae) 147 bb. Pedicels and outer sepals sericeous-strigulose; corolla-lobes lacking dorsal appendages; ovary pubescent on the upper portion; fruit mealy roughened ... 2. M. chicle aa. Flowers solitary in the leaf-axils; corolla-tube usually exceeding the corolla- lobes; ovary densely pubescent over the entire surface. c. Corolla-lobes narrowly oblanceolate or spatulate, 0.5-1 mm broad, equalled in length by simple dorsal appendages ............ 3. M. meridionalis cc. Corolla-lobes oblong to ovate, 1.5-3 mm broad, lacking dorsal appendages ......................................................... 4. M . zapota
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