1. Polygala L. (milkwort)
Plants annual or
perennial herbs (shrubs elsewhere). Stems unbranched or branched, in our
species glabrous or inconspicuously hairy. Leaves alternate or less commonly
opposite or whorled (sometimes appearing leafless or nearly so at flowering in P.
incarnata), sessile or very short-petiolate, the lowermost leaves sometimes
reduced and scalelike. Stipules absent. Leaf blades simple, unlobed, variously
shaped, the margins entire or minutely toothed, glabrous (variously hairy
elsewhere). Inflorescences terminal, often spikelike racemes, the flowers
usually short-stalked, subtended by small, inconspicuous, membranous to
scalelike bracts. Flowers hypogynous, perfect. Calyces zygomorphic, of 5
sepals, these free, the upper sepal and the lower pair small and green or
whitish green, the lateral pair (referred to as wings) larger and petaloid.
Corollas zygomorphic, of 3 petals, these usually fused into a U-shaped tube
open along 1 side, the upper (appearing lateral) 2 lobes similar, the lower
(appearing central) lobe (referred to as a keel) boat-shaped, often fringed or
crested on the outer surface (or mainly at the tip), greenish white to white,
pink, or pinkish purple (other colors elsewhere). Stamens 8 (6 elsewhere), the
filaments fused into a tube just inside the keel that is split longitudinally along
the upper side, also fused to the corolla tube, the anthers attached at their
bases, usually yellow, the pollen usually shed by apical pores or short slits.
Pistil 1 per flower, of 2 fused carpels. Ovary superior, 2-locular, often
flattened, the placentation axile (appearing more or less apical). Style 1,
often curved toward the tip, usually unequally 2-lobed near the tip, the upper
lobe bearing a more or less capitate stigma, the other lobe sterile, with a
fringe of hairs. Ovule 1 per locule. Fruits capsules, variously shaped,
dehiscing longitudinally. Seeds oblong-obovoid to obovoid, the surface dark
brown to black, moderately to densely pubescent with loosely appressed to more
or less spreading, fine, straight hairs, also with a white or yellowish aril at
the attachment point. About 325 species, nearly worldwide.
The estimate of
number of species in Polygala cited above is based on the traditional
broad circumscription of the genus. However, molecular data have suggested that
the genus is actually an artificial assemblage of several groups more closely
related to other genera than to Polygala in the strict sense (Persson,
2001). Abbott (2011) has recently advocated for the recognition of four
segregate genera in the New World, based on preliminary molecular data and
morphological analysis. In Abbott’s restricted sense, Polygala worldwide
contains only about 200 species. However, all of the Missouri species remain
within Polygala, even in the strict sense.
Some species of Polygala
are cultivated as ornamentals. The Missouri species tend not to produce
cleistogamous flowers, but elsewhere a number of species produce cleistogamous
flowers, including some that produce them on subterranean branches.