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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/29/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/29/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1. 1056. 1753
Reference A. DC. in DC. Prod. 151:278. 1864.
Synonym Eupetalum Lindl. Nat. Syst. ed. 2, 440. 1836. Trilomisa Raf. Fl. Tellur. 2:91. 1836. Mezierea Gaud. Bot. Voy. Bonite, pl. 32. 1839. Falkea Koenig ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. ed. 2, 1:194. 1840. Diploclinium Lindl. Veg. Kingd. 319. 1847. Platyclinum T. Moore in Moore & Ayers, Gard. Mag. Bot. 2:153. 1850. Nom. prov. Sphendanthera Hassk. in Versl. Acad. Wetensch. Amsterdam 4:139. 1855. Nephromischus K1. in Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. App. 1. 1855. Huszia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 121. 1854. Saueria K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 122. 1854. Barya K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 122. 1854. Knesebeckia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 122. 1854. Gaerdtia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 123. 1854. Trendelenburgia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 123. 1854. Ewaldia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 123. 1854. Gurltia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 123. 1854. Scheidweileria K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 123. 1854. Lepsia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 123. 1854. Riessia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 123. 1854. Mitscherlichia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 123. 1854, as "Mitcherlichia". Rachia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 124. 1854. Petermannia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 124. 1854. Augustia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 124. 1854. Gireoudia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 125. 1854. Rossmannia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 125. 1854. Magnusia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 125. 1854. Haagea K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 125. 1854. Tittelbachia Kl. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 126. 1854, as "Titelbachia". Pritzelia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 126. 1854. Wageneria K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 126. 1854. Doratometra K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 126. 1854. Pilderia Kl. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 127. 1854. Donaldia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 127. 1854. Moschkowitzia K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 127. 1854. Stibadotheca K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 127. 1854, as "Stiradotheca". Casparya K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 127. 1854. Isopteryx K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 127. 1854, as "Isopteris". Sassea K1. in Monatsber. Akad. Berlin 128. 1854. Reichenheimia K1. in Abh. Akad. Berlin 1854:54. 1855. Steineria K1. in Abh. Akad. Berlin 18 54:64. 1855. Trachelanthus K1. in Abh. Akad. Berlin 1854:82. 1855. Cyathocnemis K1. in Abh. Akad. Berlin 1854:100. 1855. Weilbachia Kl. & Oerst. ex Kl. in Abh. Akad. Berlin 1854:119. 1855. Lauchea K1. in Abh. Akad. Berlin 1854:121. 1855. Platycentrum K1. in Abh. Akad. Berlin 1854:123. 1855. Putzeysia K1. in Abh. Akad. Berlin 1854: 134. 1855. Trachelocarpus Muell. in Walp. Ann. Bot. 4:909. 1857. Cladomischus K1. ex A. DC. in DC. Prod. 151:278. 1864. Irma Bout. ex A. DC. in DC. Prod. 151 :406. 1864. Begoniella Oliver, in Trans. Linn. Soc. 28:513. 1873. Semibegoniella C. DC. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. II. 8:327. 1908.
Description Annual or perennial herbs, shrubs or rarely small trees. Stern elongate and succulent or woody or a cylindrical rhizome or sometimes reduced to a tuberous rhizome, sometimes climbing. Leaves usually alternate or rarely subverticillate, entire, serrate, lobed or digitately compound, usually asymmetric, sometimes peltate, stipules 2, free, persistent or deciduous. Peduncles mostly axillary. Inflorescence usually cymose, sometimes 1-flowered or racemose. Cymes regular or strongly one- sided, usually dichotomous, unisexual or bisexual. Flowers monoecious. Tepals free or rarely connate, usually 4 staminate in two pairs and 5 pistillate. Stamens indefinite, inserted on the receptacle, filaments free or united. Styles usually 3, free or connate, usually bifid, ovary inferior, placentae axile, simple or divided. Fruit capsular, usually bearing 3 unequal wings.
Habit herb
Key a. Plants acaulescent or subacaulescent with the leaves clustered near the apex of the rhizome, or with slender creeping stolons if the internodes are elongate. b. Leaves peltate. c. Cymes strongly unilateral; capsule-wings slightly unequal; leaves 2-12.5 cm. long ................ 1. B. CONCHIFOLIA cc. Cymes regular; capsule-wings very unequal; leaves 17-40 cm. long. 2. B. NELUMBIIFOLIA bb. Leaves basifixed. c. Cymes strongly unilateral. d. Stipules ecarinate, coarsely reticulate-nerved; staminate and pistillate tepals 2; largest capsule-wing as high as wide ........... 3. B. PLEBEJA dd. Stipules alate-carinate with fine inconspicuous nerves; staminate tepals 4; largest capsule-wing wider than high ............................... 4. B. GARAGARANA cc. Cymes regular. d. Branches of the cyme 3 or 4 at each node; inflorescence many- flowered ...........................,.,.,,., . ........ 5. B. QUATERNATrA dd. Branches of the cyme 2 at each node. e. Plants or at least the petioles densely vestite. f. Indument of the petioles consisting of linear trichonmes. g. Cyme few-flowered; tepals pubescent, the staminate 4, the pistillate 3; slender stolons with elongate internodes often present; capsule reflexed ........ 6. B. CARLETONII gg. Cyme many-flowered; tepals glabrous, " cach; capsule erect .. . ,. 7. B. VILLIPETIOLA ff. Indument of thc petioles consisting of laccrate scales; tepals 2. g. Cyme not at all umbelliform; capsule erect h. Largest capsule-wing narrower than high; leaves entire or slightly serrate, coarsely ciliate ................................... 8. B. STRIGILLOSA hh. Largest capsule-wing wider than high; anthers much shorter than the filaments; leaves ciliate-denticulate..... 9. B. STIGMOSA gg. Cyme umbelliform with greatly reduced terminal branches; capsule decurved; anthers longer than the filaments .... 10. B. VESTITA ee. Plants completely glabrous. f. Pistillate tepals 2 or 3; pistillate bracteoles apparently lacking. g. Tepals and upper bracts glandular; staminate tepals nearly equal; stamens on a column; pistillate tepals 2 ............ 11. B. BREVICYMA gg. Tepals and bracts eglandular; staminate tepals very un- equal; stamens free, anthers longer than the filaments; pistillate tepals 3 . 12. B. MUCRONISTIPULA ff. Pistillate tepals 4; pistillate bracteoles orbicular, entire; staminate tepals very unequal; anthers shorter than the filaments . .13. B. DAVIDSONIAE aa. Plants with an erect or ascending stem and distinct internodes. (42) This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Tue, 27 Nov 2012 17:42:43 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions19581 FLORA OF PANAMA (Begoniaceae) 43 b. Leaves nearly symmetric, ovate . ..................................... 14. B. GLABRA bb. Leaves distinctly asymmetric. c. Soft low annuals; tepals not over 3.5 mm. long. d. Capsule-wings subequal, lunate; stamens free; leaves soon glabrous ......... 15. B. SEMIOVATA dd. Capsule-wings very unequal; stamens on a short column; leaves appressed-pilose above ....................................... 16. B. FILIPES cc. Coarse herbs or shrubs; tepals larger. d. Leaves palminerved, transverse or strongly oblique. e. Bracts persistent, fimbriate; pistillate tepals 5; staminate tepals 4................................................... 17. B. FISCHERI ee. Bracts deciduous, entire; pistillate tepals 2 or 3. f. Cymes few-flowered; peduncles short; capsule-wings equal or subequal; pistillate tepals 3. g. Plant pubescent at least on the underside of the leaves; capsule scarcely if at all beaked ..18. B. OAXACANA gg. Plant glabrous except for a ring of trichomes at the apex of the petiole; capsule slenderly beaked ..19. B. UDISILVESTRIS ff. Cymes many-flowered; peduncles elongate; capsule-wings very unequal; pistillate tepals 2. g. Secondary branches much reduced making the inflores- cence appear umbellate, young inflorescence enclosed by two large bracts; leaves pubescent .20. B. INVOLUCRATA gg. Secondary branches normal; inflorescence distinctly and regularly cymose; leaves glabrous ......................................... 21. B. MULTINERVIA dd. Leaves penninerved, straight or slightly oblique. e. Ovary and capsule equally 3-horned from the upper part of the angles; cymes few-flowered. f. Leaves dimidiate at base; anthers linear; pistillate tepals 5; styles multifid .............. 22. B. URTICAE ff. Leaves deeply cordate at base; anthers subglobose; pistillate tepals 3; styles bifid ... 2 3. B. HEYDEI ee. Ovary bearing 3 wings which are attached the full length of the angles and are usually distinctly unequal. f. Capsule-wings subequal; leaves falcate, oblanceolate, acu- minate .............................................. 24. B. TONDUZIT ff. Capsule-wings strongly unequal. g. Leaves subulate-dentate; cymes globose, many-flowered; staminate tepals 4, subequal ............................................. 2 5. B. OPULIFLORA gg. Leaves with flat acute not subulate teeth. h. Pistillate tepals 5; styles multifid; staminate tepals 4; very unequal. ........... ............................. 26. B. GUADUENSIS hh. Pistillate tepals 2 or rarely 3; staminate tepals 2 (or if 3 or 4 then the styles merely bifid). i. Internode very short; plants scandent; staminate tepals 4 .. ...................................... 27. B. ESTRELLENSIS ii. Internodes elongate; plants usually erect; staminate tepals 2 (rarely 3 or 4). j. Capsule 10-12 mm. high exclusive of the wings; cymes moderately floriferous ................................... 28. B. SEEMANNIANA jj. Capsule 6-10 mm. high exclusive of the wings; cymes densely floriferous. k. Leaves 5-7.5 (-11) cm. long, 2.5-3.7 (-4.7) cm. wide, serrate-denticulate ............................. 29. B. CARPINIFOLIA kk. Leaves 8.5-15 cm. long, 4-7.5 cm. wide, some- what denticulate ................................................... 30. B. CONVALLARIODORA
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