Trees or shrubs, rarely climbers. Leaves exstipulate, opposite (alternate in some species of
Jasminum), simple or compound. Inflorescence basically cymose, paniculate or decussate, often with bracts. Flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual. Calyx tubular or campanulate, often very short, (lacking in some species of
Fraxinus) truncate or 4(-5-9) lobed. Corolla lacking (in some species of
Fraxinus) or tubular, funnel or salver-shaped, lobes 4(-5-10). Anthers 2, epipetalous, usually transversely placed and alternating with the carpels. Gynoecium superior, of 2 united carpels; ovary 2-locular, with 2 anatropous ovules in each locule. Style 1, stigma 2-lobed. Fruit a samara, a capsule, a drupe, or a berry, containing 1-4 seeds.