Zanthoxylum acuminatum ssp. juniperinum (Poepp.) Reynel, Phytoneuron 2015-22: 6. 2015.; Zanthoxylum juniperinum Poepp.; Z. procerum Donn. Sm.
Arboles, 6–20 m de alto, troncos y ramas armados con acúleos, a veces las ramitas, leaf rachis, or midrib of leaflets armadas with straight to upward curving spines, without short shoots or zig-zag growth; apical bud 1-2 mm wide, puberulent to glabrescent; branchlets 2-4 mm wide, minutely puberulent with white-translucent hairs. Hojas alternately evenly distributed on branchlets, paripinnadas, (7) 20-35 cm de largo; rachis terete, 1-2 mm wide; folíolos 2-12, lateral folíolos elliptic, 4-22 cm de largo y 2-8 cm de ancho, ápice acuminado to subcaudate, base acute, sometimes narrowly decurrent on petiolule, margen shallowly crenulado, sometimes slightly revolute at base, scattered lepidote or glabrous, membranous, 8-16 pairs of secondary veins; peciolue 3-11 mm. Panículas terminales and subterminal, 5-18 cm long, 3-4 times branched, rachis terete to subquadrangular, rachis and pedicels menudamente puberulentas, pedicels 0.4-1.5 mm long and 0.2-0.3 mm wide; flowers 3-merous; sépalos ovate, 1/4 to 1/3 length of pétalos, glabrous, persistent; pétalos 1.2-2.5 mm de largo; carpel 1. Folículo 1, 3-5 (-6) mm de largo, glabrous, stipe 0-1 mm de largo; seed 3-5 mm long.
Poco frecuente, bosques húmedos, zonas atlántica y norcentral; 40–930 m; fl may–jun, fr mar, jul; Coronado 3996, Stevens 8682; sur de México to Peru, Brazil and Suriname. This taxon was treated in the published Flora de Nicaragua as Zanthoxylum procerum. "Chinche".