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Hesperideae Prantl Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 55[III,2]: 154. 1891. (Nat. Pflanzenfam.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
General/Distribution : Represented by 10 genera and 30 species (incl. 3 known from cultivation only) in our area.


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Lateral nectar glands various; middle glands present or absent. Hairs simple or branched, often 2-3-partite appressed. Sepals erect, rarely spreading, inner often saccate or subsaccate at base. Stamen filaments not appendaged, free, rarely those of the inner four connate in pairs; anthers dithecous (rarely monothecous), oblong, obtuse. Ovary sessile or shortly stipitate; stigma ± bilobed. Fruits usually long (siliquae), rarely short, dehiscent or indehiscent, sometimes breaking transversely into 1-seeded parts. Seeds not winged, rarely obscurely or slightly winged; radicle incumbent or rarely accumbent.

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1 Aerial stem present, few to many flowered (2)
+ Scapes 1-flowered; aerial stem absent Pycnoplinthus
2 (1) Siliquae readily to tardily dehiscent, biolcular (3)
+ Siliquae indehiscent or tardily late dehiscent, with 2-many superimposed 1-seeded cells (often breaking transversely) or linear often constricted between the seeds (torulose) (9)
3 (2) Fruits dehiscent; leaves usually oblanceolate, sinuate-dentate to entire; plants hairy, often scabrous (4)
+ Fruits subdehiscent; leaves filiform, usually pinnatisect; plants ± glabrous Leptaleum
4 (3) Hairs appressed, 2-3 partite (5)
+ Hairs simple or branched, often rigid but not appressed (7)
5 (4) Plants usually tall; racemes many flowered corymbose; anthers alike, dithecous (6)
+ Plants very small, slender; racemes lax, 2-5-flowered; anther dimorphic (2 outer dithecous and the rest usually monothecous) Atelanthera
6 (5) Middle nectar glands present; flowers often mediocre Erysimum
+ Middle nectar glands absent; flowers large; (cultivated) Cheiranthus
7 (4) Plants often tall and erect; fruits indehiscent or tardily dehiscent; hairs simple or branched (plants sometimes almost glabrous) (8)
+ Plants short, suberect; fruits readily dehiscent; hairs minute, stellate Eremobium
8 (7) Lateral nectar glands in pairs, small, pyramidate; plants often suberect with usually oblong-linear or elliptic leaves Malcolmia
+ Lateral nectar glands subannular; plants tall erect with large ovate-dentate leaves; (cultivated) Hesperis
9 (2) Siliquae elongated, linear, torulose, many seeded; stigmas broad with diverging lobes Sterigmostemum
+ Fruits short, quadrate, often constricted in the middle only; stigmas minute, conical Goldbachia
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