This species is characterized by its lanceolate leaves with rounded to truncate bases, quite short pedicels, and the higher-order venation not visible; its lax branched inflorescences that are borne both terminally and pseudoaxillary in the axis of some of the leaves; and its small flowers with white corollas and well developed pedicels. The type collection of Psychotria maroensis has quite large leaves, while more recent collections included in this species have smaller leaves and corollas that are variously described as white or pink. Some other recent collections included here have leaves that are obtuse to rounded at the base and well developed petioles; this variation oin leaf form is notable, but no other characters separate these two groups of plants. These modern collections are included in this species provisionally, until modern material that matches the type collection can be found for comparison. The species represented by these modern collections appears to be rather widespread but not common in any particular area.