The type is from Manjakandriana, and there are many older collections from Ankaratra and scattered central plateau localities. There are numerous collections from Ambatovy (not far from the type locality) that appear to match the type well, but most other recent specimens associated with this name are from the N. Mountains, these are possibly not conspecific, we only include them provisionally here, awaiting further study. It seems to have been confused with P. bullulata in the past, but that species has a shorter whitish (v. reddish) indument on the infl. and elliptic (v. elliptic-obovate) leaves that tend to become distinctly bullate at maturity. They are at least partially sympatric.
CMT: This species is characterized by its usually dense hirtellous to hirsute pubescence, its usually rather small, elliptic to obovate or suborbicular leaves that are usually obtuse to rounded at the apex, its stipules with two linear lobes, its calyx limb with linear lobes 1-2 mm long, and its corollas with rather well developed tubes. It is one of the most commonly collected species of pubescent Psychotria in Madagascar. There is some variation in the northern populations included in this species, in particular some plants have leaves with rather sparse pubescence and a short calyx limb with triangular lobes (Gautier 3732, Psychotria sp. 10 of Gautier 2002; callmander 400; Randrianarivony 33), and others are robust with dense pubescence, large leaves, and often long stipule and calyx lobes, and sometimes quite large fruits (Tosh 366; Rakotovao 2695; Bernard 106; Antilahimena 4554; Randrianarivony 63; Rakotomalaza 2015; Rakotomalaza 2039). Psychotria pyrrotricha has been confused in sched. with various other pubescent species of Psychotria from Madagascar, in particular Cremocarpon trichanthum, which has triangular stipules and is often overlooked as a separate species. !CMT 2013