This species is characterized by its gray or grayish green drying color; its well generally well developed elliptic leaves that do not have domatia; its well developed, ovate, angled to rounded stipules; subsessile, capitate to subcapitate, several- to multiflowered, subglobose to hemispherical inflorescences; rather small flowers with a rather well developed calyx limb tube and yellow corolla; its medium-sized, ellipsoid, red fruits that sometimes develop stipes as they mature; and its pyrenes that are generally smooth abaxially (i.e., dorsally). Bremekamp described the calyx limb as denticulate and ca. 0.4 mm long, however the calyx of the paratype specimen Cours 2484 (MO!) has a calyx limb ca. 1.2 mm long, which is similar to the size of the other specimens included here in Psychotria cephaeloides. Bremekamp did not see fruits of this species, which are red and have seeds that are ruminate all around their circumference. In addition to the coded localities, this species has been collected in Makirovana, Ampasindava, and the Analalava forest near Foulpointe. Occasional specimens of Psychotria nossibensis may have only one or two fruits that are on very short peduncles and appear subsessile, and can be confused with Psychotria cephalodes.