This species is circumscribed by its rather narrow, shiny, generally oblanceolate leaves without domatia; its triangular stipules; its several-flowered, shortly pedunculate, rather congested-cymose inflorescences; its robust pedicellate flowers with the calyx limb 3-5 mm long and a yellow corollas; and its large subglobose to ovoid fruits ca. 15-20 mm in diameter. The fruits are reported by Skema et al. 80 to be eaten by lemurs, and to be green and found fallen on the ground with tooth marks on them; the mature color is not known, but may be green (e.g., Randrianaivo et al. 1174 apparently has mature or nearly mature fruits which are described as green). This species has been confusd with Psychotria megalocarpa, which is found in the same region but differs in its much larger, elliptic to broadly obovate leaves and more numerous fruits. The name Psychotria humblotii has also been used for several other generally simlar species found in eastern Madagascar that have very short calyx limbs and smaller fruits. Psychotria humblotii has generally been collected on sand substrates and/or in littoral forest, most often in the Analalava forest near Foulpointe.