This species is characterized by its somewhat small, shortly petiolate, oblanceolate to obovate, stiff-textured, shiny leaves with regularly developed small domatia and the apex obtuse to usually subtruncate; its pedunculate corymbiform inflorescences with several flowers that are subsessile in glomerules to separated on cymose axes; its rather small yellow corollas; and its medium-sized red fruits. It is apparently restricted to southeastern Madagascar and common there, generally on white sand substrates and in particular in littoral forests (e.g., Petriky, Mandena, Sainte Luce). Psychotria aegelioides is similar to Psychotria sonocorova, which is found in the same region; Psychotria sonocorova has leaves that are quite sharply acute at the apex and generally narrower. These do appear to be separate species, although according to collection notes they have the same common name and some plants here included in Psychotria aegelioides do have somewhat narrow leaves with rather acute apices (e.g., Eboroke 960).