This species is characterized by rounded caducous stipules; a uniform velvety pubescence on the stems, leaves, stipules, and inflorescences; short, sessile to shortly pedunculate (to 1 cm), rounded-corymbiform inflorescences; and a short dentate calyx limb. It is not well known. The type is from Tsaratanana in northern Madagascar at 1200 m. Several additional specimens (e.g., De Block 2026) from the area of Ranomafana in Fianarantoa are provisionally included here. These may represent a different species, but they does not match any other described species and the material currently available is inadequate to separate them from Bremekamp's Psychotria integristipulata, except they have stipules that are acute. These other specimens generally also match Psychotria subnubila var. rufo-velutina based on the description of this variety. The type of var. rufo-velutina has not been seen to confirm if it is a different plant that is conspecific with Psychotria subnubila, or if it matches the specimens provisionally identified as Psychotria integristipulata. Psychotria subnubila was classified in Psychotria by Bremekamp while Psychotria integristipulata was classified in Mapouria, but Psychotria integristipulata lacks domatia similarly to the species of Bremekamp's Psychotria and Bremekamp did not actually see any mature fruits of Psychotria integristipulata to confirm its generic classification.