This species is characterized by its obovate to somewhat oblong leaves that are obtuse to rounded, truncate, or occasionally retuse at the apex, its soft pilosulous pubescence that dries somewhat ferrugineous, its pedunculate cymose inflorescences, its rather short calyx limb, and its medium-sized white fruits. Psychotria boenyana appears to be deciduous, and is found at least sometimes on tsingy substrates. It is similar to Apomuria mollis, which has smaller, reportedly red fruits, leaves that mostly emarginate, a calyx limb with a shorter tube, ca. 0.3-0.5 mm long, and white corollas; these species are found in the same region, where Psychotria boenyana is more commonly collected. Psychotria boenyana has been collected frequently in particular in the Ampijoroa Botanical Garden in Mahajanga. One specimen from the base of an inselberg in Fianarantsoa at 950-1050 m, Croat 30250, also appears to belong to this species.