This species is characterized by its generally glabrescent to puberulous habit; its thing-textured elliptic leaves with domatia and the tertiary venation loosely reticulated and visiable abaxially; its short, bilobed, hirtellous stipules; its terminal cymose inflorescences; its subsessile flowers with short corollas; and its small fruits that become red then black. Bremekamp characterized this species as having four-merous flowers; the modern material that seems to match this has variously four-merous and five-merous flowers on the same inflorescence or all five-merous flowers, which is not an uncommon condition in Psychotria. Bremekamp also noted that the corollas were described as pink, which he questioned; the modern material included here has variously white to yellow flowers, as he suggested this species might have. In general this species is not well known or at least characterized, and the circumscription of it, determinations, and data here are provisional. This species some extent has the general aspect of the species that Bremekamp included in his circumscription of Psychotria, rather than his Mapouria where he described it based on its fruits. Bremekamp noted that it was not closely similar to any other particular species. The inflorescences on the type collection and several of the modern specimens appear to be pendulous.