This species was characterized by Bremekamp by its glabrous habit; its rather stiff-textured, petiolate, elliptic leaves with domatia and a sharply acuminate apex; its elliptic-oblong, generally sheathing stipules with two linear short lobes; its pedunculate, several-flowered, cymose inflorescences; its subsessile, rather small and its flowers with a rather well developed calyx limb and a somewhat short yellow corolla. Bremekamp described this species based on two specimens from the same locality and classified it in his circumscription of Mapouria, which he diagnosed by pyrene and seed characters, even though he did not see the fruits of Psychotria distichodoma. Several modern collections from other areas and higher elevations are similar and are provisionally referred to this species but need re-checking when this species is better characterized.