This species is characterized by its obovate to elliptic leaves with domatia and the apex usually shortly abruptly acuminate; its entire, acuminate stipules; its several-flowered pedunculate inflorescences; its rather small, subsessile flowers with yellow corollas; and its medium-sized fruits that presumably are red but this has not been documented yet. This species is not well documented. This species is similar to Psychotria andetrensis and Psychotria mandrarensis in general aspect and perhaps habitat. These are separated somewhat arbitrarily here based on stipule form, which is how Bremekamp distinguished them; Psychotria andetrensis has bidenticulate stipules and Psychotria mandrarensis has stipules with well developed narrow lobes. psychotria manampanihensis is also similar in general aspect and leaf shape to Psychotria suarezensis, from northwestern Madagascar.