This species is well characterized by its robuse obovate leaves that are emarginate to usually retuse at the apex, well developed ovate to cupuliform stipules, and fasiculate or sessile (depending on interpretation) inflorescences with several peduncles or rays bearing flowers in cymes. The species was described based on a single specimen with immature inflorescences from "Haut Sambirano, 800 m"; this is here coded for both of the northwestern provincees. A second specimen has been seen, Ranarivelo et al. 302, from Mangerivola; this may represent a distinct species but the material available is not adequate to resolve this. Bremekamp originally described this species in Mapouria, which was distinguished by its yellow corollas and extensively ruminate endosperm, without information on flower color and without fruits. The second fruiting specimen cited here has endosperm that is deeply ruminate on the abaxial surface and has two parallel intrusions on the adaxial face, which agrees with Psychotria in Bremekamp's classification. Similar deeply retuse leaves are found also in Psychotria biloba.