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!Moraea subg. Homeria (Vent.) Goldblatt & J.C. Manning Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in SEINetAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Bothalia 43: 40. 2013. (Bothalia) Name publication detail


Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/23/2016)
Acceptance : Accepted
Taxon Profile     (Last Modified On 6/23/2016)
Description: Plants simple or few–several-branched; corm tunics of wiry, black fibres. Foliage leaves few to solitary. Flowers fugaceous or long-lived, yellow, beige or pink to orange, sometimes with dark markings; outer and inner tepals mostly subequal, both whorls usually with nectar guides, claws as long as limbs or much shorter; Filaments united entirely or free near apices (free in M. radians); style branches reduced with crests vestigial or absent. Capsules ovoid-ellipsoid to cylindric, included or exserted. Basic chromosome number x = 6.


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1 Foliage leaves 2 or more, uppermost leaves green and usually free distally or sometimes entirely sheathing (2)
+ Foliage leaf solitary, other leaves entirely sheathing and bract-like, ± attenuate with dry tips (12)
2 (1) Flowers with distinct style crests 2–3 mm long, clearly extending beyond the stigma lobes, and either erect or incurved (3)
+ Flowers without distinct style crests (and style branches often not markedly flattened): (7)
3 (2) Anthers 2–5 mm long; tepal claws obsolete or 2-5 mm long (4)
+ Anthers 6–10 mm long; tepal claws erect, forming a cup enclosing at least lower half of filaments or stamens entirely within cup (6)
4 (3) Tepal claws 7–10 mm long; anthers ± 5 mm long Moraea flexicaulis
+ Tepal claws obsolete or up to 2 mm long; anthers 2–3 mm long (5)
5 (4) Tepals spreading from the base; outer rhipidial spathe entirely sheathing Moraea schlechteri
+ Tepal claws ± 2 mm long, appressed to filament column with limbs outspread; outer inflorescence spathe free in upper part and arching outward Moraea knersvlaktensis
6 (3) Style and stamens entirely included in floral cup; plants 700–1000 mm tall Moraea cedarmonticola
+ lower 2/3 of filament column included in floral cup; plants to mostly 200–250 mm tall Moraea serratostyla
7 (2) Filament column ± cylindric; anthers erect or divergent (8)
+ Filament column with a bulbous base; anthers ± erect and contiguous, usually concealing style branches (10)
8 (7) Plants 350–750 mm tall; tepals 30–40 mm long; anthers 4.5–8.0 mm long, diverging from base Moraea ochroleuca
+ Plants to 300 mm tall; tepals 15–24 mm long; anthers 2.0–3.5 mm long, erect or barely diverging (9)
9 (8) Ovary ± 4 mm long; filament column 6 mm long Moraea fenestralis
+ 10–12 mm long; filament column 7–9 mm Moraea karroica
10 (7) Tepals reflexed at maturity; flowers nodding to pendent Moraea pendula
+ Tepals spreading or slightly cupped; flowers upright (11)
11 (10) Stem minutely scabrid; leaves 2–4 mm wide, laxly coiled in loose spiral in upper half Moraea aspera
+ smooth; leaves 5–10 mm wide, ± straight Moraea miniata
12 (1) Filaments free, diverging; style branches sessile Moraea radians
+ Filaments united entirely or free and diverging in distal 1–2 mm; style present, dividing shortly above apex of filament column or opposite base to middle of anthers (13)
13 (12) Foliage leaf ± basal, often sheathing lower half of stem; stem ± straight, not flexed outward above leaf sheath (14)
+ Foliage leaf inserted some distance above ground, never sheathing stem for significant distance; stem flexed outward above sheath of foliage leaf (26)
14 (13) Tepal claws ± 1/3 to 1/2 as long as limbs, forming a narrow or wide cup; filaments and sometimes lower part or all of anthers included in cup (15)
+ Tepal claws < 1/3 as long as limbs, ascending to suberect, including or clasping base of filament column (19)
15 (14) Floral cup relatively narrow; enclosing filaments (16)
+ Floral cup wide and basin-like, not enclosing filaments (18)
16 (15) Ovary 15–24 mm long; capsules mostly 25–40 mm long Moraea britteniae
+ Ovary 8–12 mm long; capsules < 20 mm long (17)
17 (16) Stem usually bearing cormlets at aerial nodes; flowering August to November; capsules 17-20 mm long, usually at least partly included in spathes Moraea bulbifera
+ Stem never bearing cormlets at aerial nodes; flowering April to June; capsules 8–15 mm long, well exserted from spathes Moraea autumnalis
18 (15) Tepals pandurate-spathulate, widest in the upper 1/3; filaments 7–8 mm long; anthers 8–13 mm usually not reaching the top of the style branches; ovary 18 mm long Moraea comptonii
+ Tepals oblong-lanceolate, widest in middle or lower 1/3; filaments 5–6 mm long; anthers 8–10 mm, usually exceeding the style branches; ovary 12–14 mm Moraea elegans
19 (14) Anthers not or barely exceeding style branches; outer tepals 30–43 mm long Moraea cookii
+ Anthers exceeding style branches, these reaching to about middle of anthers; outer tepals 18–34 (20)
20 (19) Flowers nodding to pendent; tepal limbs fully reflexed Moraea reflexa
+ Flowers upright; tepals spreading to slightly reflexed (21)
21 (20) Leaves relatively broad, (5–)7–15 mm wide, and clasping lower part of stem (22)
+ Leaves narrow, 2–4 mm wide, clasping lower part of stem or not (24)
22 (21) Style crests present ± 2 mm long (23)
+ Style crests lacking (24)
23 (22) Tepals, mostly 18–25 × 5–10 mm; leaves 5–15 mm wide Moraea pallida
+ Tepals oblong-obovate, mostly 27–34 × 11–17 mm; leaves 15–35 mm wide Moraea marlothii
24 (21) Flowers usually pink; tepal claws ± 2 mm long and clasping bulbous base of filament column Moraea bifida
+ Flower pale yellow; tepal claws ± 8 mm long and diverging not clasping hardly swollen base of filament column Moraea fragrans
25 Plants 350–450 mm tall; tepals 25–27 mm long; style crests ±1.5 mm long Moraea doleritica
+ Plants 150–300 mm tall; tepals 18–24 mm long; style crests absent Moraea karroica
26 (13) Tepal claws 1/2 to 2/3 as long as limbs, forming a narrow or wide cup; filaments and sometimes all or part of anthers included in cup (27)
+ Tepal claws < 1/3 as long as limbs, often < 1/4 as long; filaments partly exserted from cup, or prominently displayed (35)
27 (26) Tepals claws 9–15 mm long ± erect; claws forming a narrow tubular cup including the filaments and anthers (28)
+ Tepal claws widely diverging; claws forming a wide basin-like cup including filaments (31)
28 (27) Style dividing at or above apex of filament column, always below middle of anthers; style branches erect or diverging; tepal claws 9–15 mm long forming a narrow tubular cup including the filaments and anthers (29)
+ Style dividing at or above middle of anthers, sometimes barely divided; style branches erect (30)
29 (28) Filament column 4-5 mm long; leaf fairly short, seldom over 200 mm long, usually straight, the apex swollen and acute Moraea pyrophila
+ Filament column 6–7 mm long; leaf long, bent and trailing, seldom < 250 mm long, apex often dry at flowering Moraea collina
30 (28) Ovary usually partly or entirely enclosed in the spathes and capsules often enclosed; style branches well developed, 2–3 mm long barely or not reaching apex of anthers Moraea minor
+ Ovary usually exserted from the spathes, the capsules exserted; style branches very short, 1–2 mm long or not developed Moraea longistyla
31 (27) Outer tepals 28–33 mm long, with claws 13–16 mm long; anthers 5–11 mm long (32)
+ Outer tepals 16–26 mm long, with claws 5–10 mm; anthers 3–4 mm long (33)
32 (31) Ovary 17–20 mm long; capsules 25–55 mm long Moraea flaccida
+ Ovary 13–16 mm long; capsules 20–40 mm long Moraea ochroleuca
33 (31) Tepals 16–24 mm long with claws 5–6 mm long Moraea flavescens
+ Tepals 25–27 mm long with claws 9–10 mm long (34)
34 (33) Style branches diverging, 3–4 mm long, with acute crests ± 1 mm long; anthers shortly exceeding style branches Moraea patens
+ Style branches suberect (to slightly diverging) ± 2.5 mm long, without crests; anthers not reaching tips of style branches Moraea vallisbelli
35 (26) Outer tepals 10–12 mm long; anthers ± 2 mm long Moraea demissa
+ Outer tepals 20–28 mm long; anthers ± 3–5 mm long (36)
36 (35) Style branches with short, acute crests ± 1 mm long; anthers diverging 3–5 mm long (37)
+ Style branches lacking crests, hidden by coherent anthers ± 3 mm long (38)
37 (36) Tepals 20–25 mm long; filaments ± 5 mm long, free in upper 1 mm; flowers pale ivory-yellow Moraea eburnea
+ Tepals 25–28 mm; filaments completely united in column 5–6 mm long; flowers bright yellow Moraea louisabolusiae
38 (36) Tepals pale yellow with green markings at bases of tepals limbs; filament column ± 6 mm long, minutely pubescent in lower half Moraea fuscomontana
+ Tepals pink salmon with pink to red makings at bases of limbs; filament column 6–8 mm long, prominently long-papillate in lower 2/3 Moraea brachygyne


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